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Q: According to the writer eyewitness accounts are very reliable. true or false?
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What is a content vs a qualitative writer?

A content writer, also known a quantitative writer, knows in advance what they are looking for and will use numerical data. This type of writer takes more of an objective approach while a qualitative writer can become subjectively immersed in the subject matter.

Apc math on book writer name?

math on book writer name?

In what does the writer simplify states a fact about a character?

In The writer simply states a fact about a character

What was a writer of geometry books called in Greece?

the writer was named euclid :) thanks for asking questions im happy to answer :)

Why does the writer uses expression?

A writer uses expressions for many reasons. The main reason writers use expressions to keep the readers interested.

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The writer believes that eyewitness accounts of a crime aren't always reliable.?


The writer believes that eyewitness accounts of a crime aren't always reliable?

Eyewitness accounts can be influenced by factors like stress, memory distortion, and perception biases, leading to inaccuracies. Therefore, relying solely on eyewitness testimony can introduce errors into the investigation and legal process. It's crucial to corroborate such accounts with physical evidence and other sources of information.

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How reliable is JavaScript?

As reliable as the code writer.

Was Luke an original disciple?

In Luke 1:2 the writer indicates he had not been an eyewitness to the earthly ministry of Jesus. So I think he was not one of the original 12 disciples.

Where can a writer find a ghost-writer?

Here. Professional writers can provide quick and reliable answer on this question online 24/7. Just visit:

What is the firsthand record of a person place or event that has not been interpreted by another writer best describes a?

A firsthand record of a person, place, or event that has not been interpreted by another writer is best described as a primary source. This type of source provides direct evidence or original information about the subject, offering a firsthand account of the topic without any filter or interpretation by others. Examples of primary sources include diaries, letters, eyewitness accounts, photographs, and artifacts.

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According to the will writer's wishes.

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What does the reader ultimately take away from The Great Gatsby, according to the writer? tion…

What does the reader ultimately take away from the great gatsby according to the writer.?

What does the reader ultimately take away from The Great Gatsby, according to the writer? tion…

What excerpt best summarizes the issue the writer is addressing in the Chicago Tribune 30 September 2002 editorial When believing isn't seeing?

"...erroneous eyewitness testimony is the single greatest contributor to wrongful convictions in the United States."

Who is the writer of the book series Eragon?

According to Goodreads, Christopher Paolini is the writer of the Inhertiance Cycle, of which Eragon is Book 1.