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A square has no acute angles but it does have 4 right angle corners.

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Q: Acute angle square have
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What is another name for square corner?

Acute angle

What is the example of acute angle?

An acute angle is an angle of less than 90°. A 90° angle is a right angle, the angle you find at two adjoining edges of a square. An angle smaller than a right angle is called an acute angle, while an angle larger than it is called and obtuse angle.

How many acute angles in a square?

There aren't any acute angles in a square because an acute angle is less than 90 degrees. however, there are 4 right angles in a square. (which by the way a right angle is a measure of exactly 90 degrees)

How are angles and squares alike?

An angle is like acute angle, right angle, and obtuse angle. It takes 4 right angles 2 make a square. So no an angle is not like a square.

How many acute angles does a acute angle have?

1 acute angle = 1 acute angle

How many acute angles in a square divided into four equal triangles?

An acute angle is less than 90 degrees. Dividing a square into four equal triangles would not have any acute angles since they would all be 90 degrees. A 90 degree angle is called a right angle.

Are the angles inside a square acute 'right angles or obtuse?

Every angle of a square is a right angle, because they're all 90o.

Does a square have acute angles?

No no. An acute angle is any angle less than 90 degrees. all of the angles are 90 degrees. even a ten year old (me) can do that.

Sentence with acute?

That is an acute angle. An obtuse angle is not acute.

What would be the hypothesis of no squares has acute angles?

The hypothesis would be exactly that (except for grammatical corrections): no square has an acute angle.

What is a 17 degree angle?

An acute angle

What angle is smaller than a right angle?

acute angle