You convert to a common denominator first. Then you add or subtract the numerator and write it in simplest form
The opposite of add is subtract.
You add or subtract only the numerators
By the signs: 2+2(Add) 2-2(Subtract) +=add -=subtract
You add one side of each of the equations to form one side of the new equation. You add the other sides of the equations to form the other side. Subtraction is done similarly.
You convert to a common denominator first. Then you add or subtract the numerator and write it in simplest form
When you express equivalent fractions with common denominators, it allows you to add and subtract them accurately.
wich one
does how many mean add or subtract
add, subtract, multiply, divide and modular form
reduced form $ara ;)
The opposite of add is subtract.
it means to subtract
deposit = add withdraw = subtract
You add or subtract only the numerators
When you add, your answer is the sum.When you subtract, your answer is the difference.
Fractions in decimal form are easy to compare and to add and subtract from one another.