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Q: An airplane weighing 10 000 N lands descending a vertical distance of 10 km while travelling 100 km measured along the ground. What is the input work being done to land the plane?
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The distance between the countries can be find by travelling

Is the distance an airplane travels measured in miles or feet?

measured in miles

Do two vehicles travelling at the same speed cover the same distance at the same time?

Speed is measured by distance and time, yes. Velocity takes in direction.

What is the speed of an airplane measured in?

its measured in Knots

What is a postion-time graph?

It is a graph with distance on one axis and time on the other. The distance is measured on graphed on "how far you currently are from a certain starting point", rather than "how fast you are travelling", or something similar...

What tells you the distance a car has traveled?

In a car the Odometer will show you the distance travelled. In mathematics you would need to know the average speed the car was travelling at and the time that it was travelling for. Divide the average speed by 360 to get how many units of distance were covered per second. Muliply this by the number of seconds the car was travelling for. The result will be the distance, in the same unit of distance as the speed was measured in. Example, Average speed = 30km per hour Time = 15 minutes (900 seconds) Distance = (Average Speed/360)*Time = (30/360)*900 = 7.5 (km)

How does the flight get measured in a paper airplane?


What can be measured in kilometres?

Distance is measured in kilometres, such as the distance between two towns, or the distance from the Earth to the Moon.

How do you find velocity of a paper airplane?

Paper airplane's velocity can be measured as any other object can be determined by measuring its displacement over time. In other words, time the glide and measure the distance. Then divide the distance by the elapsed time to get the average velocity of the flight.

What can measured in meters?

Distance can be measured in metres.

What is the Distance from the equator measured in degrees called?

The distance from the equator measured in degrees is called latitude.

How is distance measured from the Equator?

Distance from the Equator is measured using lines of latitude. The Equator is designated as 0 degrees latitude, and distances are measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds north or south of the Equator.