They can be - it depends on how many bricks, how much cheese and how many feathers.
They weigh the same. Both equal to two pounds.
They weigh the exact same amount because they both equal a pound.
Person, that is an old joke. Answer is that they all weigh the same amount. well if i had to choose from the two options, i would say the first (1lb of bricks1lb of feathers) because this would equal 2 lbs, one pound more than a pound of cheese.
The mass of feathers is far greater than the lead. amount = mass So you will have a huge pile of feathers compared to a small chunk of lead to equal a pound
If you are using the red brick which are 4" x 8" you will need 4.5 bricks per square foot (just call it five.) 5 x 400 is 2000 bricks.
They weigh the same. Both equal to two pounds.
They all "weigh" the same: one pound. They're equal in weight which is different from density. :-)
It takes alot more feathers to equal a kilogram than it does bricks
A ton is a measurement of the weight of an object. No matter what the object is, if two items weigh a ton, then they are equal. A ton of bricks weighs exactly the same as a ton of feathers.
No. They are equal mass as they both weighed a pound.
1,000 pounds of bricks and 1,000 pounds of feathers both weigh 1,000 pounds. In other words, their weights are identical. Neither of them weighs more or less than the other does. They weigh the same, meaning that there is no difference. The two loads would precisely balance on a symmetrical see-saw. Mathematically, the sum of their weights is twice the weight of either one, each is equivalent to 100% of the other, and the difference between their weights is zero. Expressed as a ratio, the weight of the bricks divided by the weight of the feathers is equal to the unity fraction (1/1 = 1), and its reciprocal is the selfsame number. As an exponential operation, the square of either one singly is equal to the product of their individual weights. If a passerby asked you for the weight of the feathers and you cleverly quoted the weight of the bricks instead, the fellow could not detect your trick. The two are in all ways truly indistinguishable, and you may freely substitute one for the other for any purpose or application.
They weigh the exact same amount because they both equal a pound.
If someone asks you "which is heavier, a POUND of bricks or a POUND of feathers" they are equal because they both weigh a pound.I say a pound of bricks is heavierIn general the both weigh the same amount when it comes to a pound. Not a single brick and a single feather Everyone knows a brick weighs more than a feather.
I see where your going there, but that's not gonna trick me. None of them weighs more than the other, they're both the same weight. A pound (of bricks) is equal to a pound (of cheese).
This question has been answered to death on this website! To cut a long story short... Given that a ton of feathers and a ton of bricks are of equal mass, but differing volume (the feathers are much less dense, and thus more volumous):Assuming they are measured at the same location on Earth, the ton of feathers would displace more air (a fluid), creating greater upthrust, thus causing them to weigh less.So, a ton of bricks is heavier than a ton of feathers. (on Earth)
16 ounces of anything (lead... Feathers...) equals a pound
Both the pound of feathers and the pound of bricks weigh the same amount, which is one pound. Weight is a measure of force due to gravity, so if they both weigh one pound, they are equal.