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They weigh the same. Both equal to two pounds.

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Q: What weights more 2 pounds of bricks or 2 pounds of feathers?
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Which wheighs more 2 pounds of bricks or 2 pounds of feathers?

2 pounds is 2 pounds, whether it is bricks or feathers.

What weighs more 2 pounds of feathers or 2 pounds of bricks?

they are the same

Which of the follwing weights more a pound of cheese bricks or feathers?

Each has the same weight . . . one pound.

Which weighs more 125 pounds of cement or 60 kilograms of feather?

Trick question? The 60 kilograms (a little more than 132 pounds) of feathers weigh more!

What weights more 300 pounds of feathers are 300 pounds of metal?

They weigh the same, their densities are different.

What weighs more 1000 pounds bricks or 1000 pounds of feathers?

1,000 pounds of bricks and 1,000 pounds of feathers both weigh 1,000 pounds. In other words, their weights are identical. Neither of them weighs more or less than the other does. They weigh the same, meaning that there is no difference. The two loads would precisely balance on a symmetrical see-saw. Mathematically, the sum of their weights is twice the weight of either one, each is equivalent to 100% of the other, and the difference between their weights is zero. Expressed as a ratio, the weight of the bricks divided by the weight of the feathers is equal to the unity fraction (1/1 = 1), and its reciprocal is the selfsame number. As an exponential operation, the square of either one singly is equal to the product of their individual weights. If a passerby asked you for the weight of the feathers and you cleverly quoted the weight of the bricks instead, the fellow could not detect your trick. The two are in all ways truly indistinguishable, and you may freely substitute one for the other for any purpose or application.

What weighs more 2 ponds of bricks or 2 pounds of a feather?

2 pounds of bricks weighs more than 2 pounds of feathers. Weight is measured in pounds, so both items would weigh the same amount.

How does a pound of bricks and a pound of feathers compare?

They both weigh one pound, but the volume of a pound of feathers will be much larger than the volume of a pound of bricks due to the difference in density. The bricks will be more compact and heavy, while the feathers will be lighter and fluffier.

What weighs more 100 pounds of feathers or 100 pounds of steel?

No, a pound of anything has the same mass.Well, my friend, a pound is a pound, so they are of equal weights.

Which way more 1Ib of bricks 1Ib of feathers or 1Ib of cheeseS?

1Ib of bricks.

What weighs more 100 grams of feathers or 100 grams of bricks?

They both weigh the same, 100 grams each. The weight is determined by the measurement of 100 grams, regardless of the material being weighed.

Which weighs more 2 pounds of brick or 2 pounds of feathers?

If you give me two sealed cartons, one with 2 pounds of bricks in it and the other with 2 pounds of feathers in it, there's no way I can use a scale to tell which is which, because their weights are the same. Do you think maybe a truck doesn't need such a large engine to carry a ton of feathers as it needs to carry a ton of bricks ? 2 pounds of bricks, 2 pounds of feathers, 2 pounds of mud, corn flakes, uranium, dog fur, newspaper, pencils, gasoline, onions, cotton swabs, salt, ballpoint pens, tomatoes, cat litter, red paint, potting soil, purple yarn, wrapping paper, tea bags, junk mail, cellphones, toilet paper, helium, dollar bills, laundry soap, bus tokens, or instant coffee all weigh exactly the same.