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Look at how it is done, then decide for yourself whether you consider this similar or not. Vectors are added by components - add the x-components and the y-components separately. The addition of the individual components is exactly the addition of real numbers (assuming the usual vectors used in physics - but more complicated types of "vectors" are also used in math). On the other hand, the magnitude of the sum of two vectors is usually less than the sum of the magnitudes of the vectors - unless they happen to point in exactly the same direction. For example, a vector 4 units in length plus a vector 3 units in length, at right angles, result in a vector 5 units of length, as is easy to deduce from Pythagoras's Law. However, once again, the components are added just like real numbers.

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Q: Are addition and subtraction of vectors performed in a manner similar of these of real number?
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What is the condition when two vectors are addition and subtraction are same magnitude?

The condition is the two vectors are perpendicular to each other.

Is it possible for vector A plus vector B to equal vector A - vector B?

It's impossible as the addition of two vectors is commutative i.e. A+B = B+A.For subtraction of two vectors, you have to subtract a vector B from vector A.The subtraction of the vector B from A is equivalent to the addition of (-B) with A, i.e. A-B = A+(-B).

Does addition and subtraction of vectors obey the commutative law?

Addition does. Subtraction, just as with numbers: a - b is not equal to b - a, but you can change a - b to -b + a.Addition does. Subtraction, just as with numbers: a - b is not equal to b - a, but you can change a - b to -b + a.Addition does. Subtraction, just as with numbers: a - b is not equal to b - a, but you can change a - b to -b + a.Addition does. Subtraction, just as with numbers: a - b is not equal to b - a, but you can change a - b to -b + a.

Does the subtraction of two vectors obey the commutative law?

Yes subtraction of vector obeys commutative law because in subtraction of vector we apply head to tail rule

What is the purpose of vector resolution in adding vectors?

Vector addition does not follow the familiar rules of addition as applied to addition of numbers. However, if vectors are resolved into their components, the rules of addition do apply for these components. There is a further advantage when vectors are resolved along orthogonal (mutually perpendicular) directions. A vector has no effect in a direction perpendicular to its own direction.

Related questions

Does addition and subtraction of two vectors obey the commutive law?


What is the condition when two vectors are addition and subtraction are same magnitude?

The condition is the two vectors are perpendicular to each other.

Is it possible for vector A plus vector B to equal vector A - vector B?

It's impossible as the addition of two vectors is commutative i.e. A+B = B+A.For subtraction of two vectors, you have to subtract a vector B from vector A.The subtraction of the vector B from A is equivalent to the addition of (-B) with A, i.e. A-B = A+(-B).

What are the operation on vector?

That really depends on the type of vectors. Operations on regular vectors in three-dimensional space include addition, subtraction, scalar product, dot product, cross product.

Does addition and subtraction of vectors obey the commutative law?

Addition does. Subtraction, just as with numbers: a - b is not equal to b - a, but you can change a - b to -b + a.Addition does. Subtraction, just as with numbers: a - b is not equal to b - a, but you can change a - b to -b + a.Addition does. Subtraction, just as with numbers: a - b is not equal to b - a, but you can change a - b to -b + a.Addition does. Subtraction, just as with numbers: a - b is not equal to b - a, but you can change a - b to -b + a.

What is the reverse process of vectors addition?

reverse process of vector addition is vector resolution.

Does the subtraction of two vectors obey the commutative law?

Yes subtraction of vector obeys commutative law because in subtraction of vector we apply head to tail rule

Do the commutative and associative laws apply to vector subtraction?

No, changing order of vectors in subtraction give different resultant so commutative and associative laws do not apply to vector subtraction.

Which operatoins are not commutative?

Subtraction, division, cross multiplication of vectors, multiplication of matrices, etc.

What is useful of vectors in physics?

Vectors in physics are useful for representing physical quantities with both magnitude and direction, such as force, velocity, and acceleration. They allow for the accurate description of motion and interactions in three-dimensional space. By using vectors, physicists can easily perform vector addition, subtraction, and multiplication to analyze complex systems.

What is a characteristic of a correctly drawn vector diagram?

A characteristic of a correctly drawn vector diagram is that the direction and magnitude of the vectors are accurately represented using appropriate scales. Additionally, the geometric arrangement of the vectors should follow the rules of vector addition or subtraction, depending on the context of the problem.

How can subtract more vectors?

To subtract more vectors, you can perform vector subtraction by subtracting each component of the vectors separately. Start by subtracting the corresponding components of the vectors, i.e., subtract the x-components, then the y-components, and so on. This will give you the resulting vector.