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It's impossible as the addition of two vectors is commutative i.e. A+B = B+A.

For subtraction of two vectors, you have to subtract a vector B from vector A.The subtraction of the vector B from A is equivalent to the addition of (-B) with A, i.e. A-B = A+(-B).

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Q: Is it possible for vector A plus vector B to equal vector A - vector B?
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If vector c equals vector a plus vector b under what circumstances does c equal a minus b?

When b is zero.

Suppose vector equation A plus B equals does the magnitude of B compare to that of A?

If vector equation A + B = 0, it means that vector B is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to vector A. Therefore, the magnitude of vector B is equal to the magnitude of vector A.

Can A plus B equal zero when A and B have nonzero magnitudes?

If 'A' and 'B' are vectors, and their magnitudes are equal, andtheir directions are opposite, then their vector sum is zero.

When magnitude of vector a plus b is equal to the magnitude of vector a minus b then what is the angle between two vectors a and b?

2pi/3 radian or equivalent 120 degree

When does vector c equal a plus b?

If the vectors a and b are arranged so that the head of a (the arrow bit) is at the tail of b, then c must be from the tail of a to the head of b. The vectors a and b can be swapped since vector addition is commutative.

What must be the relationship between two vectors a and b if the magnitude of vector a plus b is equal to magnitude of a-b?

a and b must face in opposite directions.

If vector B is added to vector A under what circumstances does the resultant vector A plus B have magnitude A plus B. under what circumstances does the resultant vector equals to zero?

if b + a , since a+b equals b + a due to it being commutative . it shud have the same magnitude and direction

If is added to under what conditions does the resultant vector have a magnitude equal to A B?

1. When the two vectors are parlell the magnitude of resultant vector R=A+B. 2. When the two vectors are having equal magnitude and they are antiparlell then R=A-A=0. For more information:

What can you say about two vectors if vector A vector B 0?

Depends on the situation. Vector A x Vector B= 0 when the sine of the angle between them is 0 Vector A . Vector B= 0 when the cosine of the angle between them is 0 Vector A + Vector B= 0 when Vectors A and B have equal magnitude but opposite direction.

Is vector A parallel vector B given that vector A is equal to the zero vector and vector B is equal to the zero vector?

The zero vector is both parallel and perpendicular to any other vector. V.0 = 0 means zero vector is perpendicular to V and Vx0 = 0 means zero vector is parallel to V.

If vector a and b are unit vectorprove that Vector a a 2 plus vector b b 2 2 vector a plus vector b ab 2?

Unfortunately, limitations of the browser used by means that we cannot see most symbols. It is therefore impossible to give a proper answer to your question. Please resubmit your question spelling out the symbols as "plus", "minus", "times", "divided by", "equals".