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THere are many Different shapes and sizes of Virus' ... See here:

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Q: Are all viruses the same shape or size?
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Are all viruses the same shape and size?


Do all viruses have the same shape?


Are all peach seeds the same size?

umm accually no they are n all the same size or shape.

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What congruent figures that are the same size and shape?

All of them are the exact same size no matter what it is.

All viruses have the same shape?

No, viruses come in all shapes. Google T even viruses, adenoviruses, HIV and other retroviruses and see all the different shapes viruses can come in. Round capsids to space ship lander shaped capsids.

Are all circles congruent or not?

No. Congruent means the same shape and the same size. Two perfect circles would be the same shape but they might not be the same size.

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All sizes and shape of birds are not the same,sometimes there are small and sometimes there are big....

You are a shape with 8 corners and all faces exactly the same size and shape what am I?

A cube

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Yes,all of the sides of a polygon are the same shape.

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Rocks come in different sizes and shapes because they are formed through various geological processes such as cooling and solidification of magma, weathering and erosion, and pressure and heat deep within the Earth. These processes lead to the formation of rocks with different compositions, structures, and textures, resulting in a wide variety of sizes and shapes.

Do all rectangles can be cut in half vertically or horizontally to make two smaller rectangles that are the same size and same shape?

Yes, they will be the same size and shape as each other.