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Q: Is it true that all viruses have the same shape?
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Do all viruses have the same shape?


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no they are all ways the same shape

All viruses have the same shape?

No, viruses come in all shapes. Google T even viruses, adenoviruses, HIV and other retroviruses and see all the different shapes viruses can come in. Round capsids to space ship lander shaped capsids.

What shape is the rhinovirus?

Like all influenza viruses it has a roughly spherical shape.

Is it true that each homologous pair of chromosomes is the same size and shape as its partner?

If all is normal, yes, it is true.

Are all equiangular triagles are similar true or false?

True because when they have the same interior angles then they are similar in shape

Are all viruses the same shape or size?

THere are many Different shapes and sizes of Virus' ... See here:

Do all viruses kill you?

If that were true, we would all be dead from having colds, which are caused by viruses. The reality is many viruses are harmless or just an inconvenient if you are otherwise healthy.

What shape is the meningitis bacterium?

Viral meningitis has no set shape. There are a variety of viruses that can cause viral meningitis, all a different shape.

If a shape isa regular hexagon with six sides what must be true?

All of the angles must also be the same

Is it true that circle are congruent?

All circles are similar, they all are the same shape, regardless of size. Only if they have equal diameters, would they be congruent.