Division does not always make things smaller.
Being strictly mathematical about it ... -- A point has a definition, but 'dots' and 'specks' don't, so it's kind of hard to compare them. -- A point is only a location. It has no dimensions ... no length, width, height, thickness, diameter, area, volume, etc. No measurements at all. -- So nothing can be smaller than a point. -- If a dot or a speck have any size at all ... and maybe they do because you're talking about things that are bigger or smaller than other things ... then a point must be the smallest one of all, because it has no size at all and I dare you to get any smaller than that.
You probably mean diminution - making things smaller, or simply the action of becoming smaller.
This is a pretty technical question. The answer will vary depending on your grade level.If you are talking about magnitude (i.e., ignore the negative) than the answer is sort of (I'll explain further down).If you are allowing negative numbers,Start with 2, and multiply it by -1. 2 x -1 = -2 which is smaller than 2.Now, what about multiplying by a number between 0 and 1 (0.5 for example).Start with 4 and multiply by .5 to get 2. 2 is smaller than 4.However, you could argue that by multiplying by a decimal, you are in addition to multiplying, dividing which is why the number is reduced. By the same logic, division would always result in a number of lower magnitude. That would be the side I would tend to take as well, so:Multiplication always increases the magnitude of a number, but does notnecessarilymake it bigger. Division always reduces the magnitude of a number, but does not necessarily make it larger.I should also mention, this is controversial. People can make the argument either way (in regards to multiplication vs division).
Greater than is >. Always look at the > and < as being a monster. The big open end is the mouth and its always hungry for BIGGER things. The other end is a smaller monster and it always hungry for SMALLER things.
Bigger batteries generally have higher capacity, meaning they can hold more charge and provide longer usage time. However, they can also be heavier and bulkier, impacting portability. The choice between bigger and smaller batteries depends on the specific needs and priorities of the device user.
it is a square that you press and it makes things bigger and smaller as you move the mouse.
yes it can make up depnding were u place can make things luk bigger. if you are going for a look to make your eyes look smaller, eye liner can help amazingly if you place it properly.
Things that make other things appear bigger include:magnifying glassmicrocopespy glasstelescopephotography through enlargementsscanned satellite images
Heavier Things was created on 2003-09-09.
Division does not always make things smaller.
No. Minor means "smaller", as compared to major which means "bigger". Smaller things may be less important than major things but that does not mean that they have no importance at all, which is the meaning of unimportant.
Nuclear fission is the splitting of an atomic nucleus into two or more smaller nuclei, releasing energy. Nuclear fusion is the combining of two light atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus, also releasing energy. Fission is the process used in nuclear power plants, while fusion is what powers the sun and other stars.
I Think It Honsetly Depends On Chest Size, I Wear A 30AA And Yeah. If You Have Bigger Things, You Will Need A Bigger Bra Size. If You Have Smaller Things... You Will Need A Flat Bra.
If you did not measure things you could not tell if one thing is bigger or smaller than another and would not know how far away things are. You measure things with instruments.
Because evaporation happens at the surface.