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Q: Are irrational numbers a part of the real number system?
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Is negative three an irrational number?

NO!!! It is an integer. Casually irrational numbers are those where the decimal digits go to infinity and there is no regular order in the decimal number sequence. pi = 3.1415926.... Is probably the most well known irrational number.

Is three an irrational number?

No, it is an integer, and therefor part of the rational number system. An irrational number is, if I remember correctly, a number that goes on forever, and doesn't have a pattern like π (pi)

Is it rational or irrational if there is a line over the decimal?

A line over the decimal part of a number indicates that there is a part that recurs infinitely many times. Such numbers are rational.

Can negative numbers be part of the real number system?


What is the main differences among the following integer numbers rational numbers and irrational numbers?

Integer numbers are numbers which have no fractional part, such as ...,-2, -1, 0, 1, 2,... Rational numbers are numbers which can be expressed as a ratio or fraction (e.g. 1/5, 1/3, 1/2, 0.05, etc.) Irrational numbers are numbers such as PI which cannot be accurately represented by a fraction. These are also sometimes called "non-repeating decimals". By definition an irrational number has an infinite number of "significant" digits to the right of the decimal point. (Any number with a finite number of significant digits can be expressed as a simple fraction, e.g. 0.01 = 1/100, 3.142857 = 22/7 which is a commonly used approximation for the irrational number pi which begins 3.14159...)

Related questions

Can whole numbers be irrational numbers?

No. An irrational number can only be part of a whole number. Every whole number is rational.1000000

What number groups are irrational and rational numbers a part of?

Both are part of the real numbers.

What number is both real and irrational?

All irrational numbers are Real numbers - it's part of the definition of an irrational number. Imaginary numbers are neither rational nor irrational. An example of a number that is both Real and irrational is the square root of two. Another example is the number pi.

Is every irrational a real number. If Yes Why?

Yes irrational numbers are real numbers that are part of the number line,

Can all real numbers be irrational?

Irrational numbers are real numbers because they are part of the number line.

Natural numbers are part of every other category of number except?

irrational numbers

Is negative three an irrational number?

NO!!! It is an integer. Casually irrational numbers are those where the decimal digits go to infinity and there is no regular order in the decimal number sequence. pi = 3.1415926.... Is probably the most well known irrational number.

What is a number that is a natural number and an irrational number?

Natural numbers are a part of rational numbers. All the natural numbers can be categorized in rational numbers like 1, 2,3 are also rational numbers.Irrational numbers are those numbers which are not rational and can be repeated as 0.3333333.

Is every irrational number a complex number?

Yes! Every complex number z is a number, z = x + iy with x and y belonging to the field of real numbers. The real number x is called the real part and the real number y that accompanies i and called the imaginary part. The set of real numbers is formed by the meeting of the sets of rational numbers with all the irrational, thus taking only the complex numbers with zero imaginary part we have the set of real numbers, so then we have that for any irrational r is r real and complex number z = r + i0 = r and we r so complex number. So every irrational number is complex.

What do rational and irrational numbers have in common?

Rational and irrational numbers are part of the set of real numbers. There are an infinite number of rational numbers and an infinite number of irrational numbers. But rational numbers are countable infinite, while irrational are uncountable. You can search for these terms for more information. Basically, countable means that you could arrange them in such a way as to count each and every one (though you'd never count them all since there is an infinite number of them). I guess another similarity is: the set of rational numbers is closed for addition and subtraction; the set of irrational numbers is closed for addition and subtraction.

Is three an irrational number?

No, it is an integer, and therefor part of the rational number system. An irrational number is, if I remember correctly, a number that goes on forever, and doesn't have a pattern like π (pi)

How are rational and irrational numbers similar?

Both are part of the real numbers; both are infinite sets. (However, there are more irrational than rational numbers.)Both are part of the real numbers; both are infinite sets. (However, there are more irrational than rational numbers.)Both are part of the real numbers; both are infinite sets. (However, there are more irrational than rational numbers.)Both are part of the real numbers; both are infinite sets. (However, there are more irrational than rational numbers.)