Yes, they will.
Repeating decimals are always rational.
Yes, terminating decimals are always rational numbers.
They are always rational numbers.
Repeating decimals are ALWAYS rational numbers.
They will always be rational numbers.
Yes, they will.
Repeating decimals are always rational.
Yes, terminating decimals are always rational numbers.
There are are three types of decimals: terminating, repeating and non-terminating/non-repeating. The first two are rational, the third is not.
They are always rational numbers.
they always are.
If you consider terminating decimals as ones that end in repeating 0s, then the answer is "always".
Yes, that's what "repeating" refers to.
Yes. All numbers are rational numbers except repeating decimals like 1.3(repeating). * * * * * Repeating decimals are also rationals. However, the quotient is not defined if the second number is the integer zero!