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In a mathematical context, a multiplier for a number, r, is be (1 + r/100) which is usually a rational fraction and the concept of odd or even does not apply to fractions.

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What is a multipier in math?

A multiplier in maths is the number that is used to multiply another number by. For instance: 12 x 6 = 72 The multiplier in this instance is 12. The first number is always the multiplier.

Is an even number plus an even number always even?

Yes, an even number plus an even number is always even. Also, and odd number plus an odd number is always even.

IS the tax multiplier always positive?

tax multiplier is always negative not positive, because of downward sloped aggregte demand curve

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the mutiplicand is the first number (s) and the multiplier is the second number

Can a government spending multiplier be a value of less than 1?

Quite simply, no. The Spending multiplier, even on government spending, will always have a value of greater than one. It really is self-evident; for that money to be subjected to a multiplier, it must be circulating multiple times, therefore the first circulation (the initial spending) would result in a multiplier of one, and subsequent spends would increase the multiplier further

What happens when you add an odd number and an odd number?

Two odd numbers always sum to an even number. Always. Two even numbers always sum to an even number, and an odd number and an even number always sum to an odd number.

What is the second number in multiplication problem?

multiplicand x multiplier = product. Multiplier is the answer.

What is listed first multiplier or multiplicand?

multiplicant is listed first, then multiplier is the number you are multiplying by.

Which part of the multiplication sentence tells how many times a number is multiplied?

The multiplier. The multiplicand is multiplied by the multiplier to create the product.

What is a multiplyer?

A multiplier is a factor that is used to increase the size of a number in a mathematical operation. It is commonly used in multiplication as the number that is being multiplied by another number to find the product.

The difference of two even number is always an even number?

Yes, the difference between two even numbers is always an even number.

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