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Yes those are wonderful scores. It is get a 9 at 5 minutes after birth

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Q: Are these apgar scores within normal limits 8 at 1 minute and 9 at 5 minutes after birth?
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Are normal scores the same as z-scores?

They should be.

How many 20 minutes sessions are there in ice hokey?

In international, American college, and the NHL play is divided into three 20 minute periods.

When to you use a z scores or t scores?

If the distribution is Gaussian (or Normal) use z-scores. If it is Student's t, then use t-scores.

How do you find normal distribution of z-scores?

z-scores are distributed according to the standard normal distribution. That is, with the parameters: mean 0 and variance 1.

Bill scored 12 points in the first 8 minutes of the game how many points more would he score in the whole 40 minutes game at this rate?

Point scoring rate = Points/time. So his initial rate is 12/8, or 1.5, per minute of game play. If he scores 1.5 points per minute, then in 40 minutes, he should score 1.5*40=60 points.

What is the timing of the final match of World Cup 2010 South Africa?

The rule is to play for 90 minutes. If scores are level after 90 minutes they play extra time. If the scores are level after the 2nd extra time, the game moves on into the penalty shootout. 2010 FIFA World Cup final played for 120 minutes and the added time. Game ended after 2nd extra time . The goal was scored by Andres Iniesta of Spain in the 116th minute.

What are normal IQ scores for children?

Normal IQ scores for children typically fall between 90 and 110. Scores above 130 are considered superior, while scores below 70 are indicative of intellectual disability. It's important to consider other factors when interpreting IQ scores, such as a child's age and individual strengths and weaknesses.

What kind of graph would you use to show the scores?

When putting the scores in, you use the normal distribution graph, which is the best start.

What is the typical length of a Kings Hockey game from start to finish including timeouts and breaks?

Sixty minutes. A hockey game consists of three twenty-minute periods. If the score is tied at the end of the third period, the teams play a five-minute sudden-death overtime period. If neither teams score in the overtime, the game ends as a tie. In the playoffs, games cannot end in a tie. So instead of a five-minute overtime, a playoff game has an extra 20-minute sudden-death overtime period. If neither team scores, then there is another 20-minute overtime, and so on, until someone scores. There was a Detroit-Montreal game in 1956 that went to the sixth overtime, finally ending at 176 minutes 30 seconds--almost as long as three ordinary games! Detroit scored in the sixth overtime to win the game 1-0.

What is abscar score?

The APGAR Score is used to evaluate the general health of a newborn infant. Scores are given at 1 and 5 minutes of age and range from 0-2 in each category. Categoies are Color, Muscle Tone, Respiration, Heart Rate, and Reflex Response to Nasal Catheter or Tactile Stimulation. Scores of 7-10 at 5 minutes are considered normal, 4-6 intermediate, and 0-3 low.

How would you characterize the distribution of scores in a normal distribution?

They are said to be Normally distributed.

How do you to get the probability in normal distribution?

You calculate the z-scores and then use published tables.