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Q: Are these numbers finite or infinite 35424956?
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What are the examples of finite and infinite sets in your daily life?

The set of your friends is finite. The set of counting numbers (part of which you will use to count your friends) is infinite.

Is the set of natural numbers less than 1 finite or infinite?


The set of all counting numbers less than one million is it finite or infinite?


What is finite sets?

A finite set is a set that has numbers you can count. Its not like infinite with no end it has an end.

What is the difference of finite and infinite?

its 2 types of numbers Finite numbers: have an end. they can be extremely long, but as long as they have an end at some point they are finite Infinite numbers never end. 1/3 is infinite, because the 0,3333 continues forever without even reaching exactly 1/3. 1/4 is finite, because it is exactly 0,25. So basically infinite numbers can never be written down exactly (in a decimal way), no matter how much paper you use, whereas finite numbers can.

Is the set of natural numbers less than -2 finite or infinite?

The empty set is a finite set.

What are the finite or infinite sets?

A finite set is one containing a finite number of distinct elements. The elements can be put into a 1-to-1 relationship with a proper subset of counting numbers. An infinite set is one which contains an infinite number of elements.

Are the fraction the whole numbers 1 and 2 finite or infinite?

1/2 is finite. It represents a quantity called "one half".

What are examples of finite and infinite sets?

Some finite numbers in a set: the number of digits on your hand, the number of seats on a bus, and the number of people on earth. Some infinite numbers in a set: the number of positive integers and the number of digits in pi.

Is star is finite or infinite?

It is finite.