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1.5 hours + 2 hours = 3.5 hours

So 3.5 hours in total!

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Q: Ben can paint a fence in three hours and billy takes 4hours how long will it take them painting together?
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What are the first steps in painting a fence white?

The first step in painting a face white is to use a primer on the wood. Painting the fence will require several coats which should be applied evenly to ensure a good finish.

Caroline can paint a fence in 6 hours Her sister Lily can paint the same fences in 4 hours How long will it take them to paint the fence if they work together?

Caroline can paint half the fence in 3 hours and Lily can paint half the fence in 2 hours, so it will take a total of 5 hours for them to paint the fence while working together.

What is the best way to attach fence panels to fence posts?

You will need to take a bolt and attached the fence panel to the post and screw together. Depending on the size of the fence, you will need to consider if you will need a large bolt or a small bolt to hold the fence together.

Delbert can paint a fence by himself in 11 hours and Dorothy can paint the same fence in 12 hours How long will it take them to paint the fence if they work together?

Delbert can paint the fence in 11 hours so in 1 hour Delbert paints 1/11 of a fence. Similarly, in 1 hour Dorothy paints 1/12 of a fence. So together, in 1 hour they paint 1/11 + 1/12 = 12/132 + 11/132 = 23/132 of a fence. So to paint the fence together they would need 1 / (23/132) = 132/23 hours = 5.74 hours

What is the etiquette on painting the backside of a fence My neighbors have a fence and are only planning on painting their side- expecting us to choose whether to paint the backside. Is this proper?

This brings up lots of questions, do you own your property and the land with the fence? Does the neighbor own their property, land and FENCE? This is important because this will help determine who has maintance of the property. If you own your property, you need to check your map and deed for reference to the fence. Once something is established, such as your neighbor controlling the maintance of the fence, it is harder to change it later. You need to get some info. regarding who has property rites to the fence. If it is the neighbors alone and your land doesn't abutt or even come close to the fence, then it would be up to you to talk with your neighbors. You might need to show them the maps etc. and explain that the fence is not your responsiblity. But if the fence is on your land only, which would show on your maps then you have a different problem, your neighbors feel that it is at least partially theirs to maintane and control. Then you would need to straighten that out. Last, if your maps and deed shows that the fence is on the property line, you will need to decide how you want to handle this issue. The way you said "MY neighbors" makes it sound like you feel like it is their fence, get the info together and then talk with them. It would be best if you can make some settlement. Proper or not, you need to move forward and the best way to do that is knowledge. It doesn't sound like etiquette is the major problem, knowledge will solve alot or your problems. Then just use that information with courtesy, and respect. Once you have the information you need and can show you neighbors, solving the one sided painting, can start with a joint meeting, hopefully done as a small get to together, to look at your data, and talk over everyone's options. Keep things casual and friendly, have an open mind. There are many solutions to the painting issue, but you didn't ask about that, so I'm not addressing any of those.

How do you calculate lineal foot for a wood fence?

Measure all the lengths of the shape that you wish to enclose using the fence and add them together.

How do you destroy mycelium on wood?

Either with a blow torch or by painting with a fungicidal dry rot fluid or fence and shed treatment.

Does the surface need to be dry before painting a fence?

Yes, otherwise you will seal in moisture causing potential rot and mildew.

Why was the barbwire fence invented?

So that ranchers could keep them together.

How do i stop a neighbor from stopping me from repairing and painting my fence on his side?

Call the police! If it's on your side, you have every right to make changes to it.

In children's liturature who was it who tricked his friend into doing his chore of painting the fence?

Tom Sawyer in Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

John can paint a fence in 9 hours Tim can paint the same fence in 11 hours How much time would the two working together need to paint the same fence?

4.95 hours