Assuming the current date of March 2012, you would be 43 years old.
If you were born in February 1969, then you turned 43 on your birthday in February 2012.
As of November 2011, someone born in March 1939 would be 72 years old.
News anchor Jake Tapper is 49 years old (birthdate: March 12, 1969).
Karen Connolly is 46 years old (born March 12, 1969).
Assuming the current date of March 2012, you would be 43 years old.
Terrence Howard was born on March 11, 1969
Alexander McQueen was born on March 17, 1969
Paget Brewster was born on March 10, 1969
Javier Bardem was born on March 1, 1969
She was born on the 28th of November 1969. So at the time of answering the question, March 2014, she is 44 years old.
Stacy Edwards is 45 years old (birthdate: March 4, 1965).
Kimberly Guilfoyle was born on March 9, 1969
Rita Tushingham is 69 years old (birthdate: March 14, 1942).
Houston was born on March 24, 1969.