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Yes, if x is a negative number.

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Q: Can -x represent a positive number?
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Explain why x does not necessarily represent a positive number?

x may not always represent a positive number because there are equations that make a variable a negative number

Does -x always represent a negative number why or why not?

No. If x, itself, is negative then -x is positive. Or x could be zero, in which case, -x is not negative, either.

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A positive number. Positive Number x Positive Number = Positive Number Positive Number x Negative Number = Negative Number Negative Number x Negative Number = Positive Number

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A negative number. A positive number x a positive number = a positive number A negative number x a negative number = a positive number A positive number x a negative number = a negative Hope this helps :D

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What does absolute value represent?

It represents the distance of that number from 0. |1| would be 1, as would |-1|, because that's how far it is from 0. In constant terms, It just makes it positive. In variable terms, it can get complicated, as |x| isn't x, because x could = a negative number. The best way to answer a |x| question is: = X if the value of X is a positive number, OR -X if the value of X is a negative number

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The result will always be negative. Positive X Positive = Positive Negative X Negative = Positive Positive X Negative = Negative

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Let 'x' be a positive real number. x|x≥0, xεR

Is -(x) a negative number or positive number?

It is a positive reciprocal. x-a = 1/xa or equivalently, (1/x)a

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It depends on what the value of x is. If x is a positive number, then it will be negative because a negative number multiplied by a positive number is negative. If x is a negative number, then it will be positive because the product of two negative numbers is always a positive number.

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Is squaring a negative number a negative number?

NO!!! Squaring a negative number is a positive answer. -a X -a (+)a^2 Remember the table for multiplying negative/positive numbers. X + = + X - = - X + = - X - = + If no sign is given , readf it as positive(+)/.