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Q: Can a non-abelian group have a torsion subgroup?
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Every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic?

Yes, every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic because every subgroup is a group.

What are the properties of a subgroup?

The properties of a subgroup would include the identity of the subgroup being the identity of the group and the inverse of an element of the subgroup would be the same in the group. The intersection of two subgroups would be a separate group in the system.

What is the subgroup for class?

The term "subgroup" typically refers to a smaller group within a larger group. In the context of "class," a subgroup could refer to a smaller group of students within a class who are working on a specific project or assignment together.

How many subgroup of a group of order 60 andorder 51?

how many subgroup of a group of order 60 and order 51?

What is a splinter group?

A splinter group is a small subgroup or offshoot of the main group.

What is the highest subgroup for classifying organisms?

Domain is the highest subgroup for classifying organisms. The three domains are Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.

What are the normal subgroups of general linear group?

The special linear group, SL(n,R), is a normal subgroup of the general linear subgroup GL(n,R). Proof: SL(n,R) is the kernel of the determinant function, which is a group homomorphism. The kernel of a group homomorphism is always a normal subgroup.

Is mollusks a subgroup?

No, mollusca (the name of the group) is a Phylum; which is a very broad group.

What is a group regarded as different from the larger group?

a subgroup/smaller group/mini group hope this helped! :) (if it hasn't then just google it)

Australian aborigines belong to what subgroup?

The Aboriginal people of Australia belong to the subgroup that is referred to as Haplogroup R. This group is also found in Southeast Asia.

What is predominates?

This is a form of the verb "to predominate" which means to be the most numerous subgroup in a group. "There are adherents to 35 different religions in our town, but Roman Catholicism predominates." That is to say, of the group of religious people in our town, the Roman Catholics are the largest subgroup.

Which subgroup is a frog?

Frogs are part of a group of animals called "Amphibians".