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Q: Can a snake move in a straight line?
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Related questions

Which animal leaves tracks in a straight line?

The animal that leaves tracks in a straight line is a snake.

What is a snake's locomotion?

It uses body parts called scutes to push the snake in a straight line. Some snakes can push itself up and repeating the push to move. :D

Can a pawn only move in a straight line?

A pawn moves in a straight line but captures diagonally or by 'En Passant' .

What happens to a snake's body after death, and how does it move post-mortem?

After a snake dies, its muscles stiffen due to rigor mortis. This stiffness can cause the snake's body to straighten out and appear to move in a straight line when pushed or disturbed. This movement is a result of the muscle contractions that occur during rigor mortis, rather than any actual life-like movement.

How will a snake move if drunk?

If a snake were to become intoxicated, its movements would likely be erratic and uncoordinated. It might have trouble slithering in a straight line, and its reflexes could be impaired, making it difficult for the snake to react quickly to external stimuli. Overall, intoxication could greatly impair a snake's ability to move effectively and could potentially put it in danger.

Why most of the object move in a straight line?

Objects will continue to move in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. This is known as Newton's First Law of Motion. When no other forces are present to change an object's motion, it will continue moving in a straight line at a constant speed.

Can sound waves move in a straight line?

Yes, sound waves can move in a straight line. When sound waves propagate through a uniform medium, they usually travel in a straight line until they encounter an obstacle or medium that causes them to reflect, refract, or diffract.

How do dolphins and fish move differently?

Dolphins move up and down. Fish move mostly in a straight line.

What tries to make planet move in a straight line?

Its inertia.

To slide or move a figure to a new position along a straight line?

to slide or move a figure to a new position along a striaght line

Can you move in a straight line blind folded?

It could be possible it depends on the person

How fast can a corn snake slither?

My Corn Snake is quite slow, normally moving in a zig-zag pattern when moving in an open area, frequently stopping to 'sense the air'. I dare say if he was feeling threatened he would move much faster, probably in a straight line ! You can see a video clip of him moving on youtube, under corn snake slither.