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A vector space is a set over a field that has to satisfy certain rules, called axioms. The field in question can be Z2 (see discussion), but unlike a field, a vector's inverse is distinct from the vector. Therefore, in order to satisfy the "inverse elements of addition" axiom for vector spaces, a vector space must minimally (except if it is the null space) have three vectors, v, 0, and v-1. The null space only has one vector, 0.

Field's can allow for two distinct elements, unlike vector spaces, because for any given element of a field, for example a, a + (-a) = 0 meets the inverse axiom, but a and -a aren't required to be distinct. They are simply scalar magnitudes, unlike vectors which can often be thought of as having a direction attached to them. That's why the vectors, v and -v are distinct, because they're pointing in opposite directions.

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Q: Can a vector space have exactly two distinct vectors in it?
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What is an under vector room?

There does not seem to be an under vector room, but there is vector space. Vector space is a structure that is formed by a collection of vectors. This is a term in mathematics.

How do you do cross products?

You need to know that the cross product of two vectors is a vector perpendicular to both vectors. It is defined only in 3 space. The formula to find the cross product of vector a (vector a=[a1,a2,a3]) and vector b (vector b=[b1,b2,b3]) is: vector a x vector b = [a2b3-a3b2,a3b1-a1b3,a1b2-a2b1]

Why null vector is called vector?

The same sort of reasoning that zero is a number. It ensures that the set of all vectors is closed under addition and that, in turn, allows the generalization of many operations on vectors.Also, the way we got around the concept of having something with zero magnitude also have a direction is pretty cool. We made it up! In abstract algebra it's perfectly OK to constrain a specific algebraic structure with rules (called axioms) that the structure must follow.In your example, the algebraic structure that vectors are in is called a "vector space." One of the axioms that define a vector space is:"An element, 0, called the null vector, exists in a vector space, v, such that v + 0 = vfor all of the vectors in the vector space."Ta Da!! Aren't we clever?

What is cross products?

in mathematics the cross products are the binary operation on two vectors in a 3dimensional Euclidean space that results in another vector which is perpendicular to the containing the 2 inputs vector.

What is the difference between zero and vector zero?

The zero vector occurs in any dimensional space and acts as the vector additive identity element. It in one dimensional space it can be <0>, and in two dimensional space it would be<0,0>, and in n- dimensional space it would be <0,0,0,0,0,....n of these> The number 0 is a scalar. It is the additive identity for scalars. The zero vector has length zero. Scalars don't really have length. ( they can represent length of course, such as the norm of a vector) We can look at the distance from the origin, but then aren't we thinking of them as vectors? So the zero vector, even <0>, tells us something about direction since it is a vector and the zero scalar does not. Now I think and example will help. Add the vectors <2,2> and <-2,-2> and you have the zero vector. That is because we are adding two vectors of the same magnitude that point in opposite direction. The zero vector and be considered to point in any direction. So in summary we have to state the obvious, the zero vector is a vector and the number zero is a scalar.

Related questions

What is an under vector room?

There does not seem to be an under vector room, but there is vector space. Vector space is a structure that is formed by a collection of vectors. This is a term in mathematics.

What is vector plane?

A vector plane is a two-dimensional space defined by a set of two non-parallel vectors. It represents all linear combinations of these vectors. In linear algebra, vector planes are used to visualize and understand relationships between vectors in space.

What is norm on vector space?

It tells us how to measure the length of the vectors.

Cross product is not difine in two space why?

When performing the cross product of two vectors (vector A and vector B), one of the properites of the resultant vector C is that it is perpendicular to both vectors A & B. In two dimensional space, this is not possible, because the resultant vector will be perpendicular to the plane that A & B reside in. Using the (i,j,k) unit vector notation, you could add a 0*k to each vector when doing the cross product, and the resultant vector will have zeros for the i & jcomponents, and only have k components.Two vectors define a plane, and their cross product is always a vector along the normal to that plane, so the three vectors cannot lie in a 2D space which is a plane.

What is rational dimension?

Rational dimension refers to the dimension of a vector space over the field of rational numbers. It is the minimum number of linearly independent vectors needed to span the entire vector space. The rational dimension can differ from the ordinary dimension of a vector space if the vectors are over a field other than the rational numbers.

What is unique basis?

A unique basis in linear algebra refers to a set of vectors that can uniquely express any vector in a vector space without redundancies or linear dependencies. This means that each vector in the space can be written as a unique linear combination of the basis vectors, making the basis choice essential for describing the space's dimension and properties.

How do you find a basis for a vector space?

To find a basis for a vector space, you need to find a set of linearly independent vectors that span the entire space. One approach is to start with the given vectors and use techniques like Gaussian elimination or solving systems of linear equations to determine which vectors are linearly independent. Repeating this process until you have enough linearly independent vectors will give you a basis for the vector space.

Which are the three vectors that act along the mutually perpendicular direction?

The three vectors that act along mutually perpendicular directions are the unit vectors in the x, y, and z directions, namely, i, j, and k. These vectors form the basis for three-dimensional space and are commonly used in physics and mathematics.

Every vector can be represented as the sum of its?

Every vector can be represented as the sum of its orthogonal components. For example, in a 2D space, any vector can be expressed as the sum of two orthogonal vectors along the x and y axes. In a 3D space, any vector can be represented as the sum of three orthogonal vectors along the x, y, and z axes.

What is the algebraic definition of a cross product?

Cross product also known as vector product can best be described as a binary operation on two vectors in a three-dimensional space. The created vector is perpendicular to both of the multiplied vectors.

Do vectors have a direction?

Yes, vectors have both magnitude (size) and direction. The direction indicates the orientation of the vector in space.

How do you do cross products?

You need to know that the cross product of two vectors is a vector perpendicular to both vectors. It is defined only in 3 space. The formula to find the cross product of vector a (vector a=[a1,a2,a3]) and vector b (vector b=[b1,b2,b3]) is: vector a x vector b = [a2b3-a3b2,a3b1-a1b3,a1b2-a2b1]