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Q: Can discrete data contain float values?
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What is a example of discrete data?

Discrete data are observations on a variable that which take values from a discrete set.

Data that has a countable number of values and can be classified into categories is called?

discrete data

What is data that can take one value from a finite set of values?

A discrete variable.

What is the difference between discrete data and continuous data?

Discrete variables have numbers that can be counted. Continuous data is measurable. Discrete data are data which can only take on a finite or countable number of values within a given range. Continuous data are data which can take on any value. It is measured rather than counted. The mass of a given sample of iron is continuous; the number of marbles in a bag is discrete.

Does float data type accept negative values?

Of course, you should have tested: float x= -1.0;

What does a data series contain?

It is data that can be used in a chart. It can be values that are in cells in a worksheet.

What is a continuous data?

a piece of data that keeps changing like someones height or shoe size. * * * * * NO. Continuous data are those that can take all possible values within some given range (which may be infinite), or set of ranges. Discrete data, on the other hand, can only take values from a set (again, possibly infinite). These are usually integer values, but not necessarily so. Height is a continuous variable, but shoe size is a discrete variable.

What does discrete data mean in maths?

Discrete - Each recorded data has a particular whole value e.g. Number of pencils in pencil cases, Number of correct answers in a test Continuous - The recorded data can have any value in a given range e.g. Height of students, Time taken to run 100m

What is discrete in statistic?

Data that are countable values (does not need to be whole numbers). For example, 1/2, 1, 1 1/2, 2, 2 1/2, etc are discrete.

Are weight of motorcycles discrete data or continuous data?

The weight of the motorcycles is discrete and not the continuous data.

What is discreate data?

Discrete data refers to data that can only take on specific values and cannot be measured along a continuous scale. Examples include the number of pets owned by a family or the outcome of rolling a dice. Discrete data is distinct and separate, rather than being part of a continuous range.

What graph is used to discrete data?

Any kind of graph can be used for discrete data.