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A discrete variable.

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Q: What is data that can take one value from a finite set of values?
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A random variable is said to be discrete if?

It can take only a finite number of values. These need not be integer values.

What is the difference between discrete data and continuous data?

Discrete variables have numbers that can be counted. Continuous data is measurable. Discrete data are data which can only take on a finite or countable number of values within a given range. Continuous data are data which can take on any value. It is measured rather than counted. The mass of a given sample of iron is continuous; the number of marbles in a bag is discrete.

Can a function have an infinite number of values in its domain and only a finite number of values in its range?

Yes. A function is a rule to assign a value based on some other value; you can make the function equal to a constant for all values of a variable "x", or you can make it equal to a few values. Commonly used functions of this type include the integer function (take the integer part of a number), which, if you consider a finite domain (for example, all numbers from 0 to 10), has an infinite number of values in the domain, but only a few specific values in its range; and the sign function.

A discrete variable is?

A variable which can take only a finite number of values. These may be whole numbers or, like hat or shoe sizes, they can take values that are in halves.

Why subrange does not support real data type in pascal?

SubRange data types take a bit of getting used to, although they are simple in principle. With the standard ordinal (integer and character) types you are allowed a finite range of values. For example, for thebyte type, this is 0 to 255. SubRanges allow you to define your own type with a reduced range of values.

What is data analog?

analog data are continuous and take continuous values

If you measure the mass of an object four times and get values that are very close to each other the measurements are said to be?

If you take a measurement multiple times, and get similar values each time, then the data is said to be very precise. If this group of data is very close to the expected value, then the data is said to be accurate. However, a set of data may be precise without being accurate if the measured values are all similar to one another, but not close to the expected value.

What do you do when the median is two numbers?

For an even number of values, there will be 2 middle numbers. Take the average of the 2 middle numbers for the median. It will be a value not in the data set.

How do use median in math?

To find the median of data, you first order all the data from smallest to largest. The second step is to find the middle value on the list. If there are an odd number of values, this is easy, you simply take the middle value and that's the median. If there are an even number of values, you find where the middle would be, and then look at the numbers either side and take the mean of those two numbers, and that's your median.

What is a example of discrete data?

Discrete data are observations on a variable that which take values from a discrete set.

Is the range a measure of dispersion that is the least sensitive to extreme value of the data set?

the range is the total number of values your set can take. If you take all the number from 5 to 25. Your range is 5-25.

What does data distribution mean?

It is the set of values that a variable can take together with the probability or frequency distribution for those values.