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Q: Can expected values be infinite how about variance?
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Related questions

What values can variance not equal in math?

Variance cannot be negative.

Distinguish between mean deviation and standard deviation?

The mean deviation for any distribution is always 0 and so conveys no information whatsoever. The standard deviation is the square root of the variance. The variance of a set of values is the sum of the probability of each value multiplied by the square of its difference from the mean for the set. A simpler way to calculate the variance is Expected value of squares - Square of Expected value.

How do you prove that the sample variance is equal to the population variance?

You cannot prove it because it is not true.The expected value of the sample variance is the population variance but that is not the same as the two measures being the same.

What does homogeneity of variance mean?

It means that the variance remains the same across the range of values of the variable.

A fair coin is tossed 10 times what are the expected mean and variance of the number of heads?

mean = 5, variance = 5

If the variance of the data values in a sample is 121 what is the standard deviation of the data values?


What is adverse variance?

A non favourable variance Eg: adverse revenue means the company earned less revenue than expected.

If the variance of the data values in a population is 196 what is the standard deviation of the data values?

14 Apex

What is an infinite solution to an equation?

An infinite solution means that are an infinite number of values that are solutions.

What is the measure of central tendency that is least affected by extreme values?

the variance

Is the standrad deviation of the data values in a sample is 17 what is the variance of the data values?

is the standrad deviation of the data values in a sample is 17 what is the variance of the data values

If the variance of the data values in a sample is 169 what is the standard deviation of the data values?

For a sample, the SD is 13.53, approx.