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It means that the variance remains the same across the range of values of the variable.

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Q: What does homogeneity of variance mean?
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What is the difference between heterogeneity and homogeneity in statistics?

Homogeneity means that the statistical properties of the variable which is being studied remain the same across the population. Heterogeneity means that they do not: it could be that the mean changes between different subsets of the population or the variance does.

What are the properties of z in a normal distribution?

Z is a variable with mean 0 and variance 1.Z is a variable with mean 0 and variance 1.Z is a variable with mean 0 and variance 1.Z is a variable with mean 0 and variance 1.

What does variance mean in mathematics?

A variance is a measure of how far a set of numbers is spread out around its mean.

When a coin is tossed four time then mean and variance of the number of the head?

Mean = 2. Variance = 1.

Can variance be negative?

Since Variance is the average of the squared distanced from the mean, Variance must be a non negative number.

Is variance based on deviations from the mean?

Variance is the squared deviation from the mean. (X bar - X data)^2

How do you do variance?

you have to first find the Mean then subtract each of the results from the mean and then square them. then you divide by the total amount of results and that gives you the variance. If you square root the variance you will get the standard deviation

How is homogeneity to be ensured?

Homogeneity can be ensured by consistently applying the same standards, processes, and procedures across all areas or components being considered. This may involve regular quality control checks, monitoring for deviations, and making adjustments as needed to maintain uniformity. Communication and collaboration among stakeholders are also essential to ensure alignment and consistency throughout the system.

How is standard deviation found?

Formally, the standard deviation is the square root of the variance. The variance is the mean of the squares of the difference between each observation and their mean value. An easier to remember form for variance is: the mean of the squares minus the square of the mean.

A fair coin is tossed 10 times what are the expected mean and variance of the number of heads?

mean = 5, variance = 5

What is the sample variance with the mean of 190.3?

The mean, by itself, does not provide sufficient information to make any assessment of the sample variance.

How do you work out variance?

you have to first find the Mean then subtract each of the results from the mean and then square them. then you divide by the total amount of results and that gives you the variance. If you square root the variance you will get the standard deviation