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Expressions never have equality signs

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Q: Can expressions have and equal sign with a variable?
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Is x-x a variable expression?

Yes. It is equal to zero. Yes, mathematical expressions can contain numbers, variables, and mathematical operations but do not contain an equal sign or inequality sign.

What is the definition of an equivalent variable expressions?

An equation if both expressions are equal

What do expressions which use numbers or other symbols and an equal sign mean?

In mathematics, such expressions indicate that the value of the expression to the left of the equal sign has the same value as the expression to the right of the equal sign. In some cases, it can also be interpreted to mean that the expression on one side of the equal sign can be used in place of the expression on the other side of the equal sign (say in manipulating algebraic expressions). In computer languages, the equal sign is sometimes also used to indicate that the value of the expression to the right of the equal sign is to be transferred to the location indicated by the expression to the left of the equal sign. The expression to the left of the equal sign is usually a single variable that represents a memory location.

Does an expression have an equal sign?

No, expressions do not have equal signs. Equations do, though. You can think of it like this: Equtions have EQUAl signs, while expressions do not.No, an expression cannot have an equal sign. If it were to have an equal sign, it would then be an equation.

What represents expressions that are not equal?

An equal sign (=) with a slash through (/) represents that two expressions are disproportional.

What is any mathematical statement that declares the values of two mathematical expressions to be equal?

That is called an equation. An equation has an equal sign (=), and expressions on both sides of the equal sign.

Do expressions have an equal sign in math?

No they do not, equations have equal signs.

What are the expressions that may not contain the equal sign or any type of inequality?

They are expressions.

What is a statement that two numberical or variable expressions are equal?

equivalent equations

What is the difference between algebra equations and expressions?

expressions don't have an equal sign and equations do

What is formed when an equal sign is placed between two equal expressions?

An equation