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They are expressions.

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Q: What are the expressions that may not contain the equal sign or any type of inequality?
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Is x-x a variable expression?

Yes. It is equal to zero. Yes, mathematical expressions can contain numbers, variables, and mathematical operations but do not contain an equal sign or inequality sign.

Does expression not contain an equal sign?

All expressions DO contain equals signs.

What is a statement that compares two expressions by using or any other inequality sign?

That is called an inequality.

If you replace the equal sign of an equation an put an inequality sign in its place is there ever a time when the same value will be a solution to both the equation and inequality?

Yes, when the inequality has a less that or equal to sign, or a greater than sign or equal to sign, then the equal sign can be replaced and get a solution that is common to both the equation and the inequality. There can also be other solutions to the inequality, where as the solution for the equation will be a valid one.

How do you spell equal sign?

inequality sign

Is 3x 114 an equation or an inequality?

3x = 114 is an equation because it states that two expressions are equal to each other, whereas an inequality would involve a greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to sign.

What is inequality in algebric equation?

An inequality is similar to an equation, in that it compares two expressions. But in an equality, instead of an equal sign, you would usually use one out of the following inequality symbols:* less than * less than or equal * greater than * greater than or equal

What are the critical features of an inequality?

An inequality must have a greater than sign (>) OR a less than sign (<) OR a greater than or equal to sign (≥) OR a less than or equal to sign (≤).

When graphing a linear inequality the first step is to replace the inequality symbol with what sign?

With the equal sign (=).

What are two expressions with comparison symbols called?

If the "comparison symbol" is the equal sign, it is called an "equation". If the symbol is less than, greater than, less-than-or-equal, or greater-than-or-equal, it's called an "inequality".

Does an expression have an equal sign?

No, expressions do not have equal signs. Equations do, though. You can think of it like this: Equtions have EQUAl signs, while expressions do not.No, an expression cannot have an equal sign. If it were to have an equal sign, it would then be an equation.

What is a mathematicl sentence that does not contain an equal sign?

Any inequality will work - for example, 5 is greater than 3 (5 > 3).