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You can get the five years work visa of UK and after five years of residency, you can acquire UK citizenship by naturalization after obtaining the ILR.

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Q: Can i get the five years work visa of uk and after five years can i get the citizenship?
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If we are going to uk on five years work visa but we live there only one year and come back to our homeland then will our visa be finished or we can continue it?

If you are going to UK on a five years work visa but then you live there for only one year and come back to your homeland, it will be possible for you to use your visa before the end of the five years.

What is visa status?

A "visa" is kind of like temporary citizenship. A "work visa" allows you to work in a country you aren't a citizen of, and a "visa" allows you to live there.

How would a person with an expired visa gain citizenship in the United States when they are not allowed to work in the US?

A person with an expired visa must apply for a new visa prior to applying for US citizenship. You can't apply when you have an expired visa.

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Yes you most certainly can but you will need a Visa to work and live in New Zealand but you will get a citizenship within a few years.

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How to get uk work visa of five years what are the requirments how much fee is any degree compulsary or english is enough?

You can get UK work visa of five years by applying for it int immigration and the requirements is your national ID and birth certificate plus high school certificate. There is no fee and you supposed to know English.

How are citizenship and competitive sports related?

To play for a professional team is like having a job. Let's say you're a a soccer player. To play youu must have permission to work in the country you are playing. And after a while you're going to have to get a citizenship if you are going to stay. I think u can have max 4 years visa and then u have to get a citizenship or something. If you move between EU countries i don't think you need a citizenship. just a visa to stay.

Do Americans Needs to Get a Canadian Work Visa?

Americans do not need a visa to visit Canada on business or to work in Canada for an extended period of time. However, Americans must have proof of citizenship. To obtain proof of your citizenship, you must apply for a work permit. This is not the same thing as a Canadian work visa. A work permit is only required to prove that you are a citizen of the United States. To get your work permit, visit the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website and complete an application. You�ll be asked for your passport and employment information, so make sure to have that information on hand.

Can you get residency in US while living with work visa in Canada?

I am holding us and Canadian citizenship and have social security no,can i still work in Canada.

Are holdays also sechduled in visa for example iam going to uk on 5 years work visa then how many holdays are given in the visa?

Holidays are also scheduled in visa, for example, if you are going to the UK on 5 years work visa, then you have 3 months for holidays, after your working holiday visa expires.

How do you become a us citizen with a student visa?

You can't get legal permanent residency (and by extension- citizenship) through a student visa. The only was is through family petition, work/investment petition, or asylum.

What type of questions could be asked in visa interview by German embassy?

There are many times of questions that could be asked in a Visa interview by the German embassy. Most of these questions will ask about work, residency, and citizenship.