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Certainly. Math is much older than English.

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Q: Can mathematics survive without English
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No, I can go a full week without using it. And I teach mathematics!

Can Pakistani survive without English language?

Yes. And it would depend on where he or she is!

Can Pakistan survive without English language?

It had for centuries before the Brits invaded and occupied it.

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The word "mathematics" in English means "matematika" in Tagalog.

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Modern society would be impossible to run without mathematics. Even fairly primitive societies unconsciously depend on mathematics.

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Your mathematics is weak can you do this course?

your English is weak

Why do we do English Math?

There is no such thing as English Math. If it were English then it would be English Maths. In any case, mathematics is universal.

Why does mathematics are important to LIFE?

Mathematics are important to LIFE because without mathematics how can you know the important things such as addition subtraction fraction multiplication division decimals ratios geometry percent area measuring and many other equations without mathematics??? that's why mathematics is important to our life...