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Q: Can relations pass the vertical line test?
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Does a circle pass the vertical line test?

No. Because a vertical line will pass through two points on the graph.

Can a one to one function not be a function?

"y = f(x) is a function if it passes the vertical line test. It is a 1-1 function if it passes both the vertical line test and the horizontal line test. " - In order to be a one-to-one function, it first has to BE a function and pass the vertical line test. For example, a relation on a graph like a circle that does not pass the vertical line test is not function nor one-to-one.

The graph of a relation must pass the vertical line test?


The graph of a relation must pass the vertical line test true or false?


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Of the three functions, all three pass the vertical line test. That is, if you draw a vertical line anywhere on the graph that the function is, that line will only pass through the function once. All three are also invertible functions, which means that there is a function that is capable of "undoing" the original function. And because the functions all pass the vertical line test, they are all able to be differentiated.

Is an oval a graph of a function?

No, the graph of an oval/ellipse is not a function because it does not pass the vertical line test.

What is the only type of line that is not a function?

A vertical line. Remember that one test to see if a relation is a function is the vertical line test. A vertical line would fail that of course.

Is anyone of the six trigonometric functions a one to one?

They are all one-to-one as they all pass the vertical line test.

Is y equals 5x plus 1 a function?

Y = 5X + 1 Is a line and should pass the vertical line test for functions, so this is a function.

What does a vertical line tell you?

A vertical line can be used to test whether or not a graph is a function.

What methodare you going to use in determining that graphs are function or not?

Use the vertical line test...pass a vertical line from left to right across the graph. If you hit the graph more than once at a time, there is x-sharing, and it is not a function.

Can you determine whether the inverse of a function is a function by using vertical line test?

Not quite. You can use a vertical line test on the graph of the inverse mapping, OR you can use a horizontal line test on the original graph. The horizontal line test is used in the same way.