Numbers with decimals can't be whole numbers.
no, only whole numbers.
Yes. Every whole number can be expressed as a ratio of whole numbers, and any fraction consisting of whole number numerators and denominators are by definition rational. So irrational numbers will be unending non-repeating decimals.
either irrational numbers, integers, integers, rational numbers, or whole numbers
No because integers are whole numbers without decimals or fractions.
Numbers with decimals can't be whole numbers.
no, only whole numbers.
Yes. Every whole number can be expressed as a ratio of whole numbers, and any fraction consisting of whole number numerators and denominators are by definition rational. So irrational numbers will be unending non-repeating decimals.
either irrational numbers, integers, integers, rational numbers, or whole numbers
There is only nine numbers, and a zero.. They just keep repeating.
No because integers are whole numbers without decimals or fractions.
No. Every rational number is not a whole number but every whole number is a rational number. Rational numbers include integers, natural or counting numbers, repeating and terminating decimals and fractions, and whole numbers.
Irrational numbers have infinitely long, non-repeating decimal expansions. They cannot be natural numbers or whole numbers. Those are rational.
No because integers are whole numbers without decimals or fractions
Yes... This is because 4 can also be written has 4/1. FYI:Most numbers are rational.But it would not be rational if it was a non-stop decimal. But it can be repeating.
They can. And if you include repeating 0s and repeating 9s, then all rational numbers can be written with infinitely long repeating digits.