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No, because it isn't prime.

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Q: Can the number 1 be in a factor tree?
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Can 1 and the factor be used itself to be a factor tree?

The purpose of a factor tree is to divide a number into prime factors. 1 is not a prime number.

What is the factor tree for 41?

41 / / 1 41 41 is a prime number. No tree.

What is a composite number that can only have 1 factor tree to it?


What Is The Factor Tree For 109?

109 109 x 1 This is all there is to the factor tree, because 109 is a prime number. Normally, I wouldn't use 1 in a factor tree, but I do in this case to make it clear that I have done a factor tree, since 109 is only divisible by itself and 1.

Can the number 1 be used as a factor in a factor tree?

No because you have to have a prime number besides 1 like 2,5,7 because every time you use a factor tree and you put a 1 as prime you keep getting one every time.So one can not be use as a factor when doing a factor tree.

What is the factor tree for 37?

37 is a prime number so it cant be broken into a factor tree. its only factors are 37 and 1

Does a prime number have a factor tree?

No. A prime number is one that has no factors except the number '1' and itself.

What is a factor tree for 479?

479 is a prime number. The only factors for this number is 479 and 1.

What is the factor tree for 29?

1 and 29 because 29 is a prime number

Factor tree for 17?

It is: 1 and 17 because 17 is a prime number

What is a factor tree of 113?

113 is a prime number. The only way to factor it would be 113 x 1.

How do you write a factor tree for a prime number?

The purpose of a factor tree is to notate the process of finding the prime factorization. If a number is already prime, a factor tree is not necessary.