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Q: Can the vertical component of a vector cancel the effect of horizontal?
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How do you calculate the distance of a projectile fired at a 45 degree angle?

You need to know the speed at which it was fired, which you haven't revealed. When you have that, here's the procedure: -- Calculate the horizontal and vertical components of the "launch" speed. Hint: At 45°, they're both 0.7071 of the launch speed. Set the horizontal speed aside for later. -- Take the vertical component of the speed, and calculate how long it would take a stone, tossed upward at that speed, to hit the ground. The answer is some number of seconds. -- Now go back to the horizontal component of speed. Calculate how far a car or a stone can go at that speed, in the amount of time it took the other stone to hit the ground. This whole method makes two important assumptions: 1). No air resistance. The air has no effect on the behavior of the projectile. 2). The ground is flat, and so is the Earth, at least for the distances that this shot will involve. At your level in Physics, you would have no chance of solving it without these assumptions.

What is the horizontal acceleration of a projectile?

The horizontal acceleration i.e. Vx throughout the trajectory remains constant only of the air resistance is neglected. The gravity can affect the y-component of velocity but is unable to affect its x-component. Acceleration (delta V) does not occur unless a change comes into play per Newton. Gravity does not effect x but air resistance would. Likewise, projectiles launched from e.g. an explosion experience a reducing delta V in that acceleration from an explosion is subject to the inverse square rule.

What effects do vertical lines have on garments?

Vertical lines have no effect whatsoever on the garments, but when the lightingis just right, they do help the wearer convey the appearance of being taller andless corpulent.

What is significance of imaginary part in inductor?

No inductor is perfect and has a capacitive and resistive component. As frequency increases, these components have more effect on the circuit operation. A capacitive component would be out of phase and be the imaginary value.

What is a horizontal projectile?

horizontal projectile means to project horizontaly from any height h and it forms equation of parabola if we throw any object it goes horizontal and after this it goes down and by the equation s=ut+1/2at*twe can find following things from it # time ofprojectile # distance travelled #effect of gravity

Related questions

Which of these components of projectile motion is not influenced by gravity?

Horizontal and vertical components which need to be treated independently from each other when working out either the horizontal or vertical motion.

Does horizontal velocity effect the rate of vertical velocity?

No, horizontal velocity does not affect the rate of vertical velocity. Each component of velocity (horizontal and vertical) is independent of the other. They act separately to determine the motion of an object.

Is the horizontal component of velocity for a projectile affected by the vertical component?

No, the horizontal component of velocity for a projectile is not affected by the vertical component. The horizontal velocity remains constant as long as there are no external forces like air resistance acting on the projectile.

How does the unbalaced force of gravity affect the horizontal and vertical velocities of an object in projectile motion?

In projectile motion, the unbalanced force of gravity only affects the vertical velocity of the object. Gravity causes the object to accelerate downwards, increasing its vertical velocity while the horizontal velocity remains constant since there is no horizontal force acting on the object. The combination of the horizontal and vertical velocities determines the overall trajectory of the projectile.

Which of the velocity component of projectile changes and other remain constant why?

The vertical velocity component changes due to the effect of gravity, which causes acceleration in the downward direction. The horizontal velocity component remains constant because there are no horizontal forces acting on the projectile (assuming air resistance is negligible).

How does gravity affect the 2 components of projectile motion?

Gravity affects the vertical component of projectile motion by accelerating the object downwards, increasing its speed as it falls. This causes a parabolic trajectory. Gravity has no effect on the horizontal component, which remains constant unless an external force is applied.

How does the unbalanced force of gravity affect the horizontal and vertical velocity of an object in projectile?

In the absence of air resistance, the force of gravity has no effect on the horizontal component of a projectile's velocity, and causes the vertical component of its velocity to increase by 9.8 meters (32.2 feet) per second downward for every second of its flight.

Why use orthogonal signal space?

One reason is that anything which happens in one of the orthogonal directions has no effect on what happens in another orthogonal direction. Thus, for example, the horizontal component of a force will not have any effect in the vertical direction.

You can calculate the combined effect of several forces by first separating each force into its?

Each force can be broken down into its horizontal and vertical components. Then, the horizontal components are added together to find the net horizontal force, and the vertical components are added together to find the net vertical force. Finally, the magnitudes of the net horizontal and vertical forces can be combined to determine the overall effect of all the forces acting together.

What is the difference between horizontal direct effect and vertical direct effect?

virtical direct effect is an action against the state by individuals while horizontal direct effect is against another individual or company

How does the unbalanced force of gravity affect the horizontal and vertical velocities of an object in projectile?

The unbalanced force of gravity affects only the vertical velocity of an object in projectile motion. Gravity acts downward to accelerate the object vertically, while the horizontal velocity remains constant in the absence of other forces. This results in a curved path known as a projectile trajectory.

What are the two types of motion a projectile has?

If you throw ball at an angle above horizontal, you will see the path of the ball looks like an inverted parabola. This is result of the fact that the ball's initial velocity has a horizontal and vertical component. If we neglect the effect of air resistance, the horizontal component is constant. But the vertical component is always decreasing at the rate of 9.8 m/s each second. To illustrate this, let the initial velocity be 49 m/s and the initial angle be 30˚. Horizontal component = 49 * cos 30, Vertical = 49 * sin 30 = 24.5 m/s As the ball rises from the ground to its maximum height, its vertical velocity decreases from 24.5 m/s to 0 m/s. As the ball falls from its maximum height to the ground, its vertical velocity decreases from 0 m/s to -24.5 m/s. Since the distance it rises is equal to the distance it falls, the time that it is rising is equal to the time it is falling. This means the total time is equal to twice the time it is falling. This is the reason that the shape of the ball's path is an inverted parabola. At the maximum height, the ball is moving horizontally. If you do a web search for projectile motion, you will see graphs illustrating this.