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Q: Why the torque is maximum when the plane is horizontal and falls to zero when it is vertical?
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What is indicated about the slope of a line that slants down from left to right in a rectangular coordinate system?

It shows that the variable shown on the vertical (y) axis falls as the one on the horizontal (x) axis increase. The exact nature of that relationship depends on whether the line is straight or curved.

A ball rolls off the edge of a horizontal tabletop. 4.23 ft high it strikes the floor at the point 5.11 ft horizontal away from the edge of the table for how long was the ball in the air?

Ignoring air resistance, any falling object falls 4.23 feet in the first 0.513 second.The horizontal distance doesn't matter, and we don't need to know it. The time it takes to hitthe floor after it rolls off the edge has nothing to do with how fast it was rolling before it fell.

A ball rolls off a table and falls 80 m to the floor landing with a speed of 4.5 ms What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the ball just before it strikes the ground?

It's 9.81m/s since vertical acceleration is always constant.

What is construction area and built up area?

Depending on the regulatory law in your location (Counrty/State/City) this may vary. Where I am from, the construction area can have two meanings: 1. The common: An area where construction work is being commenced 2 Technical (depending on regulatory law and how it defines it): The horizontal area that can be constructed. Built-up area: 1. Common: An area that is built (in some countries, nothing is considered built unless cement/bricks are used) 2. Technical: The total contsructed Area, horizontal and vertical in meter/feet square. Example (regarding Technical meanings): a land lot of 1,000 m.sq. that falls into, let's say Zone A, where Zone A allows 60% construction area, will then have: 600 m.sq construction area, (let's say 3 floors were built, all 3 of 600m.sq) with a total built-up area of 1,800 m.sq.

What is the number that falls in the upper1 4?

The i that falls on the top is called the numerator.

Related questions

What are the two types of motion a projectile has?

If you throw ball at an angle above horizontal, you will see the path of the ball looks like an inverted parabola. This is result of the fact that the ball's initial velocity has a horizontal and vertical component. If we neglect the effect of air resistance, the horizontal component is constant. But the vertical component is always decreasing at the rate of 9.8 m/s each second. To illustrate this, let the initial velocity be 49 m/s and the initial angle be 30˚. Horizontal component = 49 * cos 30, Vertical = 49 * sin 30 = 24.5 m/s As the ball rises from the ground to its maximum height, its vertical velocity decreases from 24.5 m/s to 0 m/s. As the ball falls from its maximum height to the ground, its vertical velocity decreases from 0 m/s to -24.5 m/s. Since the distance it rises is equal to the distance it falls, the time that it is rising is equal to the time it is falling. This means the total time is equal to twice the time it is falling. This is the reason that the shape of the ball's path is an inverted parabola. At the maximum height, the ball is moving horizontally. If you do a web search for projectile motion, you will see graphs illustrating this.

What is the magnitude of the velocity of a vertical projectile at its maximum height is equal to?

The horizontal component of a projectile's velocity doesn't change, until the projectile hits somethingor falls to the ground.The vertical component of a projectile's velocity becomes [9.8 meters per second downward] greatereach second. At the maximum height of its trajectory, the projectile's velocity is zero. That's the pointwhere the velocity transitions from upward to downward.

Why the horizontal velocity component remains constant and the vertical velocity component continuously changes during projectile motion?

The horizontal velocity component remains constant because there are no horizontal forces acting on the projectile (assuming no air resistance), so the velocity remains unchanged. The vertical velocity component changes due to the force of gravity, which accelerates the projectile downward, increasing its velocity as it falls.

How will the path of the ball appear to you if you accidentally drop a ball while inside a moving bus?

The ball will appear to move in a straight line relative to the bus as it falls due to the momentum of the bus. However, from an outside observer's perspective, the ball will follow a curved path as it falls due to the combination of its vertical drop and the horizontal motion of the bus.

If something like an animal flying through the sky with horizontal velocity drops an object will the dropped object have horizontal velocity Or just vertical velocity?

It will have both horizontal and vertical velocity...think about it, if you were said bird flying through the sky at say 35 mph, and you dropped a rock then the rock would fall, but it would still be moving forward and it would fall the same way a baseball falls after it reaches the top of the throw.

How do you use a protractor when you draw an angle of 75?

Draw a straight horizontal line, and a vertical line in the middle of it. Now line these up the the lower edge of your protractor, with the vertical line in the middle of your protractor (at the 90 degree marking). Now, find the 75 degree marking on the protractor, and mark on the piece of paper where it falls. Draw a line from centre of your horizontal line, to the mark of where 75 degree is. You're done!

How high are the Della Falls in British Columbia?

the falls are a vertical drop of about 440 meters.

Is the vertical velocity of a projectile constant?

No, the vertical velocity of a projectile changes continuously due to the force of gravity pulling it downward. Initially, the vertical velocity may be at its maximum, but as the projectile rises, the velocity decreases until it reaches zero at the peak of its trajectory, after which it starts to increase again as it falls back down.

How does gravity affect the 2 components of projectile motion?

Gravity affects the vertical component of projectile motion by accelerating the object downwards, increasing its speed as it falls. This causes a parabolic trajectory. Gravity has no effect on the horizontal component, which remains constant unless an external force is applied.

Is the vertical motion of a projectile dependent on its horizontal motion?

No, the vertical motion of a projectile is independent of its horizontal motion. The vertical and horizontal motions of a projectile can be considered separately since they are both affected by gravity, but in different ways. The horizontal motion is constant unless acted upon by an external force, while the vertical motion is influenced by gravity causing acceleration.

Does the horizontal velocity of a ball affect how fast it falls?

No, the horizontal velocity of a ball does not affect how fast it falls vertically due to gravity. All objects fall at the same rate in the absence of air resistance, regardless of their horizontal velocity. This principle is known as the acceleration due to gravity.

An aeroplane flying at a constant velocity releases a bomb. As the bomb drops down from the aeroplane what will be the position of the bomb with respect to the plane?

The bomb will fall vertically downward relative to the plane as both the bomb and the plane are in motion. The horizontal distance between the bomb and the plane will increase as the bomb falls due to the plane's forward velocity.