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Q: Can there be more than one point in the feasible region where the maximum or minimum occurs?
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It would depend on the feasible region.

What is the minimum value of 6x plus 5y in the feasible region?

Since there is no feasible region defined, there is no answer possible.

What is the minimum value of 6x 8y in the feasible region?

The answer depends on what the feasible region is and on what operator is between 6x and 8y.

When a feasible region is bounded on all sides where will the maximum and minimum values of the objective function occur?

Surely, you should check the value of the function at the boundaries of the region first. Rest depends on what the function is.

What is optimal feasible solution?

It is usually the answer in linear programming. The objective of linear programming is to find the optimum solution (maximum or minimum) of an objective function under a number of linear constraints. The constraints should generate a feasible region: a region in which all the constraints are satisfied. The optimal feasible solution is a solution that lies in this region and also optimises the obective function.

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What is the minimum value of 6x plus 5y in the feasible region excluding point (0 0)?

The answer depends on the feasible region and there is no information on which to determine that.

What is the minimum value of 3x plus 5y in the feasible region?

It is 18.

What is the maximum value of 6x plus 10y in the feasible region?

maximum value of 6y+10y

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What is the minimum value of 3x plus 3y in the feasible region?

If we knew the values of 'x' and 'y', and the boundaries of the feasible region, we could answer that question quickly and easily.