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Q: Can two perpendicular lines create congruent adjacent angles?
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Can 2 perpendicular lines create four right angles?

Yes. Two perpedicular lines create four right angles in a cross or addition sign +. those two lines are perpendicular, and four right angles are created.

Do two perpendicular lines create four right angles?


Does a recTANGLE have a pair of perpendicular sides?

A rectangle is formed by perpendicular lines that create four 90 degree angles.

What lin creates a right angle?

Perpendicular lines create right angles

What has angles and is not congruent to another shape?

There can be no such object since it is always possible to create an identical shape and then the two shapes would be congruent.

Can you show me a example of a perpendicular question?

When straight lines are perpendicular to each other they create right angles of 90 degrees

How many and what type of angles do two perpendicular lines create?

None because they will be parallel to each other but if they intersect each other they will create 4 right angles

How many and what angle is formed when 2 perpendicular lines create?

When two perpendicular lines cross you get four equal angles of 90 degrees.

What are two intersecting lines called?

Either perpendicular lines if the lines create 90o angles or intersecting lines.

Can two perpendicular lines intersect at exactly one point?

Yes and they will create right angles of 90 degrees

Does an octagon always have perpendicular sides?

No! An Octagon that is not regular can have 8 lines that meet at any angle provided that they ultimately create an 8 sided enclosed shape.A regular Octagon, however, will always have pairs of sides that are perpendicular. In a regular Octagon the interior angles must all be equal and must sum to 1080 degrees (6 x 180 degrees). Accordingly the interior angles will all equal 135 degrees. As a consequence the exterior angles equal 45 degrees and since two exterior angles equal 90 degrees every side will be perpendicular to the sides that are adjacent but one in either direction. Likewise opposite sides (4 exterior angles apart) will be parallel.ThanksNoob headIf it is regular, yes. Each side of a regular octagon has two other sides that are perpendicular to it.

If two chords of a given circle are congruent then they must?

be equidistant from the center of the circle. APEX!