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Q: Can values be used in calculations true or false?
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What category in Excel returns a true or false value?

Excel has a category called Logical Functions. The IF function is the one of those that most people use and associate with returning True or False values. Other functions also return True or False values. There is a TRUE function and a FALSE function. The OR function and the AND function can be used to return True or False values too. The NOT function can reverse a True or False value, so it also returns True or False.

What data or variable type is used for variables that will only have the values true or false?


Values used in calculations in functions are?

arguments. :)

A grouped frequency distribution is used when the range of data values is relatively small. True or false?

False. When the range is large you would use a grouped frequency distribution.

Are labels numbers formulas that can be used in calculations?

Yes they can be. There are text functions in Excel which can manipulate text, which is what labels are. Some of those functions can get numeric values, like the LEN function getting the length of a piece of text. That number could then be used in a calculation. So although it is not often done, there are times when labels can be used in calculations.

Forecasting is used to predict the strength of hurricanes and possible landing sites future stock-market values and who will win a political election true or false?


What are booleans?

Booleans are used mostly in computer programming/coding. They can only have values of true or false (Sometimes represented as 1 and 0).

True or false a prediction is a statement based on the results of an experiment?

Definitions are opinions; they are used to simplify the processing of contexts rather than to express absolute truths. Opinions don't have truth values. Therefore, the answer to your question is no. Not "true" or "false" but simply no.

Is it true or false in Excel you should create worksheets as if you are going to use them only once?

That is false. You should create them in such a way that they can be used again, so that when formulas work, you can use different values in the cells that they reference.That is false. You should create them in such a way that they can be used again, so that when formulas work, you can use different values in the cells that they reference.That is false. You should create them in such a way that they can be used again, so that when formulas work, you can use different values in the cells that they reference.That is false. You should create them in such a way that they can be used again, so that when formulas work, you can use different values in the cells that they reference.That is false. You should create them in such a way that they can be used again, so that when formulas work, you can use different values in the cells that they reference.That is false. You should create them in such a way that they can be used again, so that when formulas work, you can use different values in the cells that they reference.That is false. You should create them in such a way that they can be used again, so that when formulas work, you can use different values in the cells that they reference.That is false. You should create them in such a way that they can be used again, so that when formulas work, you can use different values in the cells that they reference.That is false. You should create them in such a way that they can be used again, so that when formulas work, you can use different values in the cells that they reference.That is false. You should create them in such a way that they can be used again, so that when formulas work, you can use different values in the cells that they reference.That is false. You should create them in such a way that they can be used again, so that when formulas work, you can use different values in the cells that they reference.

What is And in math?

And is used in logical comparison in mathematics. true and true is true. true and false is false. false and true is false. false and false is false.

What do the logical functions in Microsoft Excel do?

Logical functions compare things and help Excel to make decisions. They generally return True or False values. The most important and commonly used one is the IF function. The other functions are often used in conjunction with it.