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Q: Can x-husbands be caregivers
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I have a friend want kill himself what do you do?

You don't give the age of the person or yourself. If it is a young person, tell the person's parents or caregivers. Tell administrators and/or guidance people at school. You are not betraying your friend; you may be saving a life. Don't delay. If it is an adult and there is an immediate specific threat, call the police and tell them where your friend is. Urge your friend to tell his/her doctor and/or counselor. Tell the person's relatives. You do NOT help a suicidal person by keeping secrets or by dwelling on 'loyalty' or fear of taking action. Loyalty to a dead person is not worth much at the gravesite.

Where can you find cloze comprehension in context answers?

There was a teacher in a center-based school who had been teaching students who had IQ scores registering above 140. She had done an effective job of stretching students in this homogeneous. The administration and parents supported her and were with what she accomplished.wondered what would happen she taught this same in a heterogeneous setting was highly diversified. She her wish when she placed in a fifth classroom with identified special needs students who could yet read in any ways, students who were unable to speak English, students were working at grade , and students who were capable than students had been working with the past.Starting at very beginning she had to make numerous adaptations that not been necessary in former setting. The truth she had to find to work intensively with who were not yet to ensure their growth essential reading and writing . She also had to tremendous support to students caregivers could not provide materials, Internet access or . Inquiry skills were taught many students who had previously encountered them. And had to figure out the ways to extend the curriculum for students whose already exceeded its parameters the year began. It could be said that this teacher decided to "differentiate instruction in a mixed-ability classroom," that she "decided to teach them all."

How does adequate finance effect your health and wellbeing?

Let me count the ways :} In today's era of super-high priced medicine, the simple fact is that, in the US, many folks avoid tending to mental and physical health issues due to simple inability to pay. This is also true in different ways in countries that offer socialized medicine in that not all maladies are covered, and of those that are, they are triaged, so it's not uncommon to hear that a patient requiring a mamogram may not receive one for months, as more critical cases get priority. Pay for it yourself, and this delay goes away. An example: The Menningers -- Sigmund Freud's disciples -- performed a study many years ago that concluded that paranoid schizophrenia was actually a relatively mild disorder. This was pretty shocking news to everyone, as up until then, it was consideed a debilitating problem, not uncommonly involving intense mental health care as well as occassional invovlement with law enforcement. Menningers' work however was impeccable. The only issue was that, due to the Menningers' notoriety and economic class of patients they were able to attract, the median income for the patient base was $4m per annum (this was some years ago so it's more like 15m would be today -- or more). It turns out these patients were able to develop sufficient infrastructure within their lives (live-in caregivers and assistants; limited non-mandatory contact with the public, etc.) so that this was -- for them -- a comparatively mild condition. One could say their financing was adequate :} The problem comes down to one of agendae. Quite understandably, insurance companies are dedicated to profit; socialized medical groups are aimed at the overall well-being of the society at large -- and your agenda is your own health. No matter how well meaning everyone invovled may be, there's no way these agendae completely coincide. So -- bottom line -- the more your financing, the more your agenda will prevail, and the better health and wellbeing you can statisically expect.

What is k plus 12 of DEPED?

See related link below "K plus 12" aims to make basic education sufficient enough so that anyone who graduates can be gainfully employed and have a productive life. "K plus 12" will look at the possibility of specialized education such as a high school or community, which will focus on the arts or agriculture. The K-12 Education plan is said to add one more year on both primary and secondary levels plus kindergarten. Though the opinion and reaction of the public are divided, some are in favor and some are not. Among the main issues that relates to the K-12 program are the financial capacity of parents, the number of schools and classrooms, the number of teachers, and even the availability of books and other school supplies. Though, DepEd (The Department of Education) also stated that the government will basically shoulder most of the education costs. Opinion "On the Lighter Side" If the K-12 Education Plan becomes successful, then the Philippine education system can become more competitive among other countries countries around the world. Though there are still some problems that the government needs to solve before they can successfully implement the plan. The proposed program is good but it still won't work if the needed elements to make it work isn't present. Such elements includes the addressed problems mentioned above, especially the number of public school classrooms plus the adequate supply of classroom chairs, books, etc. If the government could allot a bigger budget to educational needs, then we could be one-step ahead towards the success of the K-12 program. Furthermore, parents (especially those who belongs in the poor sector) should be properly informed and motivated of the advantages of the K-12 Education Plan. This is very important since parents plays a major role in providing the child's school allowances, supplies, and fees for other school projects and activities. Add to that the support of parents towards their children in terms of guidance and teaching. Once this succeeds, it is best hoped that Filipino students would be more literate, skilled, and competitive to be able to find jobs more easily and contribute to the country's pride as well as the country's economy. Davao City Rep. Karlo Alexi Nograles, however, said DepEd's planned 12-year basic education cycle is ideal but is unrealistic under the present conditions of the country's existing educational facilities and implementing it at this time will only drive more youths to drop out of school. "The reality on the ground is that some schools even have to divide their classes to morning and afternoon sessions to accommodate more students. In some places, classes are still being held under the trees or have to mix students from different levels just to accommodate all of them in one class. We need to modernize our public school system first before we could even consider expanding the cycle of our basic education system," he pointed out. "This plan is ideal but unrealistic and perhaps a misplaced priority at this time. In an ideal world, the proposed 12-year basic education is a very good idea. However, we must first address more immediate concerns like the lack of school buildings, textbooks, classrooms, laboratory equipment, computers and many other things. We don't even have enough teachers to cover our present 10-year basic education cycle because many of them have gone abroad to work as caregivers," he added.

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Cheryl Cott has written: 'Informal caregivers' perceptions of formal caregivers of geriatric long-stay patients'

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Can you go out when you are nine?

You can do what your parents/caregivers say that you can do.

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