A mirror prime.
2*72 = 98Surely a squared number is not a prime number?Another answer:19+79 = 98
Here are some:13, 3117, 7137, 7379, 97107, 701
2 is the only even prime number, and it can be added to several odd numbers to make another prime number.For example:5 + 2 = 711 + 2 = 1317 + 2 = 1941 + 2 = 43
None. 251 is a prime number.
Numbers cannot "make" another number prime. If you are looking for the prime factorization of 56, it is 23 * 7.
A mirror prime.
2*72 = 98Surely a squared number is not a prime number?Another answer:19+79 = 98
Here are some:13, 3117, 7137, 7379, 97107, 701
Numbers never end. You can always continue to add another digit to a number and make it larger. Because this is the case, you can continue to look forward forever for prime numbers. The difference/distance between the numbers may grow, but prime numbers will continue to appear.
i think prime numbers
2 is the only even prime number, and it can be added to several odd numbers to make another prime number.For example:5 + 2 = 711 + 2 = 1317 + 2 = 1941 + 2 = 43
By dividing it by a number that will make the outcome prime.
None. 251 is a prime number.
The concepts of "prime numbers" and "composite numbers" make sense for integers (whole numbers), not for arbitrary real numbers.
7 is a prime number; its only prime factor is 7.
No, for example you can't create the number 65, which is not a prime number, by adding any two prime numbers.