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Q: Can you do correlation on weighted data?
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Explain how you can determine the type of correlation for a set of data pairs by examining the data in a table without drawing a scatter plot?

"If y tends to increase as x increases, then the data have a positive correlation. If y tends to decrease as x increases, then the data have a negative correlation. If the points show no correlation, then the data have approximately no correlation."

What are the various approaches for data exploration.Give Examples?

various approaches to data exploration are 1. perfect correlation 2. strong correlation 3. weak correlation

What is the type of correlation where there in no relationship between two data sets?

There is no correlation.

What is a postitive correlation between data sets?

A positive correlation is where the data has an increasing pattern. As X increases, Y also increases.

What is the data telling you with a positive or negative correlation?

If the data have a positive or negative correlation, it means the data have a linear relationship in the form of an equation of a line; or Y = mX + b.

When you removed from the data set how would the correlation coefficient be affected?

If you remove certain data points from a dataset, the correlation coefficient may be affected depending on the nature of the relationship between the removed data points and the remaining data points. If the removed data points have a strong relationship with the remaining data, the correlation coefficient may change significantly. However, if the removed data points have a weak or no relationship with the remaining data, the impact on the correlation coefficient may be minimal.

What is a correlation where both sets of data values increase or decrease together?

Positive correlation.Positive correlation.Positive correlation.Positive correlation.

A set of related data is called a?


What is the difference between correlation coefficient and chi square?

correlation is used when there is metric data and chi square is used when there is categorized data. sayan chakrabortty

What does a correlation near 1 or -1 indicate?

The closer the correlation is to 1 or -1, the more linear the data is

Is the correlation coefficient resistant?

No, it is not resistant to changes in data.

What does dispersion indicate about the data?

correlation which can be strong or weak