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The sum = 2r : where r is the row number.

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Q: Can you find a pattern to connect the row with it's sum Row- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sum- 1 2 4 8 16 32 64?
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How much is the sum of the numbers from the 20th row?

8,000. each row's sum is the row # cubed. so the 20th row is 20*20*20 = 8000

Explain the sum of the numbers in each row in Pascal's triangle?

the horizontal sums doubles each time the sum of row 1 = 1 row 2= 2 row 3 = 4 row 4 = 8 row 5 = 16 etc etc.......... the horizontal sums doubles each time the sum of row 1 = 1 row 2= 2 row 3 = 4 row 4 = 8 row 5 = 16 etc etc..........

What is the sum of row five in pascal's triangle?

The Fifth row of Pascal's triangle has 1,4,6,4,1. The sum is 16.

How do you write a program to find magic numbers?

#include<stdio.h> unsigned sum_row (unsigned* sq, const unsigned width, const unsigned row) { unsigned sum, col; sum = 0; for (col=0; col<width; ++col) sum += sq[row*width+col]; return sum; } unsigned sum_col (unsigned* sq, const unsigned width, const unsigned col) { unsigned sum, row; sum = 0; for (row=0; row<width; ++row) sum += sq[row*width+col]; return sum; } unsigned sum_diag (unsigned* sq, const unsigned width) { unsigned sum, row, col; sum = 0; for (row=0, col=0; row<width; ++row, ++col) sum += sq[row*width+col]; return sum; } unsigned sum_anti (unsigned* sq, const unsigned width) { unsigned sum, row, col; sum = 0; for (row=0, col=width-1; row<width; ++row, --col) sum += sq[row*width+col]; return sum; } bool is_magic (unsigned* sq, const unsigned width) { unsigned magic, row, col; magic = sum_row (sq, width, 0); for (row=1; row<width; ++row) if (magic!=sum_row(sq, width, row)) return false; for (col=0; col<width; ++col) if (magic!=sum_col(sq, width, col)) return false; if (magic!=sum_diag(sq, width)) return false; if (magic!=sum_anti(sq, width)) return false; return true; } int main () { const unsigned width = 3; unsigned a[width][width] {{2,7,6},{9,5,1},{4,3,8}}; unsigned row, col; printf ("Square:\n\n"); for (row=0; row<width; ++row) { for (col=0; col<width; ++col) { printf ("%d ", a[row][col]); } printf ("\n"); } printf ("\n"); if (is_magic((unsigned*)&a, width)) printf ("The square is magic with a magic constant of %d\n", sum_row((unsigned*)&a, 3,0)); else printf ("The square is not magic\n"); return 0; }

What is the sum of the fifteenth row of pascal's triangle?

The sum of the numbers on the fifteenth row of Pascal's triangle is 215 = 32768.

What is the sum of the 100th row of pascals triangle?

Sum of numbers in a nth row can be determined using the formula 2^n. For the 100th row, the sum of numbers is found to be 2^100=1.2676506x10^30.

What is the sum of the 17th row of pascals triangle?

the sum is 65,528

What is the sum of all the numbers in row 50 of Pascal's triangle?

The sum of the numbers in each row of Pascal's triangle is twice the sum of the previous row. Perhaps you can work it out from there. (Basically, you should use powers of 2.)

Can you write a C program to find the sum of a given column in a 2D array?

Use the following function to find the sum of a given column in an array of integers: int sum_column (int** array, unsigned int rows, unsigned int columns, unsigned int column) { assert (column<columns); int accumulator int row; accumulator = 0; for (row=0; row<rows; ++row) { accumulator += array[row][column]; } return accumulator; }

Why do the rows double in the pascal's triangle when you add them up?

Each element of a row of pascal's triangle is the sum of the two elements above it. Therefore when you some the elements of a row, each of the elements of the row above are being summed twice. Thus the sum of each row of pascal's triangle is twice the sum of the previous row.

What is the path to the sum arrow?

When you reduce the row height in excel the row is hidden