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It is not apparent what 0.2422 refers to.

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Q: Can you find the z score for the standard normal distribution 0.2422?
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What kind of distribution is a standard z distribution?

It is the normalised Gaussian distribution. To speak of a 'standard z' distribution is somewhat redundant because a z-score is already standardised. A z-score follows a normal or Gaussian distribution with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. It's these specific parameters (this mean and standard deviation) that are considered 'standard'. Speaking of a z-score implies a standard normal distribution. This is important because the shape of the normal distribution remains the same no matter what the mean or standard deviation are. As a consequence, tables of probabilities and other kinds of data can be calculated for the standard normal and then used for other variations of the distribution.

What is the shape of a z-score distribution?

The standard normal distribution or the Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and variance 1.

How do you use the z-score to determine a normal curve?

If the Z-Score corresponds to the standard deviation, then the distribution is "normal", or Gaussian.

A score of 0.60 standard deviation represents what score of percentile?

It depends on the underlying distribution. If Gaussian (standrad normal) then the percentile is 77.

What is a z score and what its used for?

The Normal probability distribution is defined by two parameters: its mean and standard deviation (sd) and, between them, these two can define infinitely many different Normal distributions. The Normal distribution is very common but there is no simple way to use it to calculate probabilities. However, the probabilities for the Standard Normal distribution (mean = 0, sd = 1) have been calculated numerically and are tabulated for quick reference. The z-score is a linear transformation of a Normal variable and it allows any Normal distribution to be converted to the Standard Normal. Finding the relevant probabilities is then a simple task.

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Why is t score equal to z score in a normal distribution?

Because as the sample size increases the Student's t-distribution approaches the standard normal.

What kind of distribution is a standard z distribution?

It is the normalised Gaussian distribution. To speak of a 'standard z' distribution is somewhat redundant because a z-score is already standardised. A z-score follows a normal or Gaussian distribution with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. It's these specific parameters (this mean and standard deviation) that are considered 'standard'. Speaking of a z-score implies a standard normal distribution. This is important because the shape of the normal distribution remains the same no matter what the mean or standard deviation are. As a consequence, tables of probabilities and other kinds of data can be calculated for the standard normal and then used for other variations of the distribution.

What is the shape of a z-score distribution?

The standard normal distribution or the Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and variance 1.

How do you use the z-score to determine a normal curve?

If the Z-Score corresponds to the standard deviation, then the distribution is "normal", or Gaussian.

In a standard normal distribution about percent of the scores fall above a z-score of 3.00?


Find z score for normal distribution for 50th percentile?

Answer: 0 The z score is the value of the random variable associated with the standardized normal distribution (mean = 0, standard deviation =1). Now, the median and the mean of a normal distribution are the same. The 50 percentile z score = the median = mean = 0.

Why does a researcher want to go from a normal distribution to a standard normal distribution?

A researcher wants to go from a normal distribution to a standard normal distribution because the latter allows him/her to make the correspondence between the area and the probability. Though events in the real world rarely follow a standard normal distribution, z-scores are convenient calculations of area that can be used with any/all normal distributions. Meaning: once a researcher has translated raw data into a standard normal distribution (z-score), he/she can then find its associated probability.

A score of 0.60 standard deviation represents what score of percentile?

It depends on the underlying distribution. If Gaussian (standrad normal) then the percentile is 77.

What is the mean and SD of a Z score?

Mean = 0 SD = 1 The whole point of converting to a Z-score is that you have a Standard Normal distribution ie a N(0, 1) distribution.

What is a z score and what its used for?

The Normal probability distribution is defined by two parameters: its mean and standard deviation (sd) and, between them, these two can define infinitely many different Normal distributions. The Normal distribution is very common but there is no simple way to use it to calculate probabilities. However, the probabilities for the Standard Normal distribution (mean = 0, sd = 1) have been calculated numerically and are tabulated for quick reference. The z-score is a linear transformation of a Normal variable and it allows any Normal distribution to be converted to the Standard Normal. Finding the relevant probabilities is then a simple task.

What is the relationship between the Z-score for Normal Distribution and Continuous Probability?

There is no real relationship. Probabilities for the Normal distribution are extremely difficult to work out. The z-score is a method used to convert any Normal distribution into the Standard Normal distribution so that its probabilities can be looked up in tables easily. There are infinitely many types of continuous probability distributions and the Normal is just one of them.

What is a z-score used for?

The z-score is used to convert a variable with a Gaussian [Normal] distribution with mean m and standard error s to a variable with a standard normal distribution. Since the latter is tabulated, the probability of an outcome as extreme or more compared to the one observed is easily obtained.