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There is no real relationship. Probabilities for the Normal distribution are extremely difficult to work out. The z-score is a method used to convert any Normal distribution into the Standard Normal distribution so that its probabilities can be looked up in tables easily.

There are infinitely many types of continuous probability distributions and the Normal is just one of them.

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Q: What is the relationship between the Z-score for Normal Distribution and Continuous Probability?
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Normal distribution is the continuous probability distribution defined by the probability density function. While the binomial distribution is discrete.

What the difference and relationship between a probability distribution and a probability function?

They are the same. The full name is the Probability Distribution Function (pdf).

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A discrete probability distribution is defined over a set value (such as a value of 1 or 2 or 3, etc). A continuous probability distribution is defined over an infinite number of points (such as all values between 1 and 3, inclusive).

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A random variable is a variable that can take different values according to a process, at least part of which is random.For a discrete random variable (RV), a probability distribution is a function that assigns, to each value of the RV, the probability that the RV takes that value.The probability of a continuous RV taking any specificvalue is always 0 and the distribution is a density function such that the probability of the RV taking a value between x and y is the area under the distribution function between x and y.

What the difference between a probability distribution and a probability function?

None. The full name is the Probability Distribution Function (pdf).

Can you demonstrate how to calculate are underneath a probability distribution and between two data values of your choice?

If the distribution is discrete you need to add together the probabilities of all the values between the two given ones, whereas if the distribution is continuous you will need to integrate the probability distribution function (pdf) between those limits. The above process may require you to use numerical methods if the distribution is not readily integrable. For example, the Gaussian (Normal) distribution is one of the most common continuous pdfs, but it is not analytically integrable. You will need to work with tables that have been computed using numerical methods.

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Assuming the uniform continuous distribution, the answer is 29/49. With the uniform discrete distribution, the answer is 29/50.

What are the differences between discrete and continuous distribution?

discrete distribution is the distribution that can use the value of a whole number only while continuous distribution is the distribution that can assume any value between two numbers.

A complete probability distribution is always an objective listing of all possible events Since it is impossible to list all the possible outcomes from a single event probability distributions are o?

Your question is not clear, but I will attempt to interpret it as best I can. When you first learn about probability, you are taught to list out the possible outcomes. If all outcomes are equally probable, then the probability is easy to calculate. Probability distributions are functions which provide probabilities of events or outcomes. A probability distribution may be discrete or continuous. The range of both must cover all possible outcomes. In the discrete distribution, the sum of probabilities must add to 1 and in the continuous distribtion, the area under the curve must sum to 1. In both the discrete and continuous distributions, a range (or domain) can be described without a listing of all possible outcomes. For example, the domain of the normal distribution (a continuous distribution is minus infinity to positive infinity. The domain for the Poisson distribution (a discrete distribution) is 0 to infinity. You will learn in math that certain series can have infinite number of terms, yet have finite results. Thus, a probability distribution can have an infinite number of events and sum to 1. For a continuous distribution, the probability of an event are stated as a range, for example, the probability of a phone call is between 4 to 10 minutes is 10% or probability of a phone call greater than 10 minutes is 60%, rather than as a single event.

What is the difference between a probability mass function and a probability density function?

The probability mass function is used to characterize the distribution of discrete random variables, while the probability density function is used to characterize the distribution of absolutely continuous random variables. You might want to read more about this at (see the link below or on the right)

What is the difference between a discrete and a continuous distribution?

A simple continuous distribution can take any value between two other values whereas a discrete distribution cannot.