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Q: Can you give me some example in multiplying fraction?
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Can you give me some example of verb phrases in math?

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How do you know if a fraction is negative or positive when multiplying?

A fraction is never a negative. That is unless you are in some sort of advanced math thing. But for the basics you should not have to worry about that. A fraction is always just a normal fraction.

Give some example of whole number?

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Anything that doesn't have a fraction or decimal.

What are some strategies you can to solve a word problem that involves multiplying fractions?

how to multiply fraction first you have to multiply the two number to find the number. For example 3/4 *2/4=6/16

How is percent of any number related to multiplying fractions?

"percent" means for every hundred, or alternatively, out of 100. Finding some percentage of a number is multiplying that number by the fraction of the percentage over 100. eg to find 53% of a number, multiply by the fraction 53/100

How To Change A Number to an improper fraction?

Some numbers are improper fractions and some are not. For example, 1/2 or 0.5 is a number but not an improper fraction. And there is no way in which you can express it as an improper fraction.

What is an equivalent fraction for twenty one twenty fifths?

An equivalent fraction can be formed by multiplying (and in some cases by dividing) both the numerator and denominator by the same number. 21/25 = 42/50 = 63/75 = 84/100 ......and so on. Successive fractions are obtained by multiplying 21 and 25 by 2, 3 and 4.

Give some example of fraction to percentage?

3/4 = 75/100 = 75% 4/5 = 80/100 = 80% 1/8 = 12.5/100 = 12.5%

What are equivalent fractions for four ninths?

Some examples of equivalent fractions for 4/9 are 8/18, 12/27, 16/36 Multiplying the numerator and denominator of the fraction by the same integer will give any equivalent fraction you wish.

What is a equvelant fraction?

It means that it has the same value as some other fraction. For example, 2/4 is the same as 1/2.

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what is the example of corollary

What is 3 equivalent to 3 15?

That's not an equation - an equation has an equal sign. To get an equivalent FRACTION, you can 1) Simplify the fraction. Look for common factors between the two numbers, then divide both parts of the fraction by this number. 2) Expand either the original fraction or the simplified fraction, by multiplying both parts by some number - the same number in both cases.