trunc(79/35) = 2
3! = 6.
Only 1. In a combination, the order of the numbers does not matter. So 102478 is the same combination as 104782 or 407812 etc.
Assuming all of {7, 8, 2, 3} have to be used exactly once: (8 - 2) x (7 - 3) = 24.
There can be only 1 combination since, in a combination, the order of the digits does not matter. So, since you must have each digit once and only once, the only combination is 3456.
There is only one combination. In a combination the order of the numbers does not matter so the only combination is 0123456789. This is the same as 1326458097
Yuo can make only one combination of 30 digits using 30 digits.
34/(1 + 2)
Once the fire burned down, only the charcoal remained.
41 + 2 + 3 = 46
3! = 6.
trunc(79/35) = 2
Only 1. In a combination, the order of the numbers does not matter. So 102478 is the same combination as 104782 or 407812 etc.
71 - 49
Is it true or false that a template file can only be used once