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No, it is not possible.

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Q: Can you make a tessellation with a regular octagon?
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Is it possible to create a regular tessellation with a regular octagon and an equilateral triangle?


Can regular octagon and a square with all sides from both figures equal in length can they make a tessellation?

Yes, they will.

Can an octagon tessellate?

An octagon can be used to create a tessellation, but an octagon cannot tessellate on its own.

Can a regular octagon generate a pure tessellation?

false, there would be gaps.

Can a regular octagon be used by itself to make a tessellation?

No Internat angle of a regular octagon is 135°. No multiple of 135° will make 360°. Thus at any point there can be at most two octagons and a 90° gap. Ratty

Can a regular octagon and a square tessellate?

You cannot use a regular octagon on it's own to make a tiling pattern without any gaps. However a regular Octagon and a square can be used together to make a tessellation. Many people think that regular octagons tesselate on their own because they do not appreciate the need for no gaps.

Its possible to create a regular tessellation with a regualr otagon?

Assuming that the question refers to a regular octagon (not a regualr otagon), the answer is no.

What can be used to make a regular tessellation?

The only shapes which will make a regular tessellation are:an equilateral trianglea squarea regular hexagon.

Can a decagon make a tessellation?

Not a regular one.

What tessellation is formed by using regular polygons?

A regular tessellation or semi-regular tessellation or none.

Can a semi-regular tessellation be made from octagons and rhombi?

Strictly speaking, no, because a semi-regular tessellation must be based on regular polygons and rhombi are not regular polygons. However, octagons and rhombi can be used to make a non-regular tessellation.

Can an octagon can be used to form a tessellation?

No it can't