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Q: Is it possible to create a regular tessellation with a regular octagon and an equilateral triangle?
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Can you make a tessellation with a regular octagon?

No, it is not possible.

What shape has the same size angles?

An equilateral triangle, a square, a rectangle, an octagon.

Its possible to create a regular tessellation with a regualr otagon?

Assuming that the question refers to a regular octagon (not a regualr otagon), the answer is no.

What type of shape has equal sides?

An equilateral triangle, a square, a hexagon, a pentagon, a decagon, an octagon, the list goes on and on.

What regular polygons will tesellate on their own?

Hexagon, square, equilateral triangle, octagon. Im 11 so hah

Can an octagon can be used to form a tessellation?

No it can't

Is an octagon always equilateral?

No, there is no need for it to be equilateral.

Can an octagon tessellate?

An octagon can be used to create a tessellation, but an octagon cannot tessellate on its own.

What shape has all sides congruent and all angles congruent?

A square or an Isoceles triangle NOT An acute triangle.also a diamondANS2:Any polygon can be drawn with all sides and angles equal. That sort of triangle is called an equilateral triangle and that sort of quadrilateral is called a square. Polygons with more sides are described as "regular" e.g., a stop sign is a regular octagon. Please see the link to understand why an equilateral octagon is not necessarily the same as a regular octagon.

What are some shapes with equal sides?

There are a few simple shapes with equal sides. The basic shapes are a square, octagon, and an equilateral triangle,

Does an equilateral and a octagon pattern have a line of symmetry?

Not necessarily. A rhombus is an equilateral quadrilateral but does not have a line of symmetry. An irregular octagon does not, either.

Can a regular octagon generate a pure tessellation?

false, there would be gaps.