The denominator
The numerator is the name given to the top part of a fraction; the denominator is the bottom part of a fraction.
The denominator is the number at the bottom of the fraction,below the numerator.
In a fraction the denominator is on the bottom and the numerator on the top.
The bottom number of a fraction.
The bottom part of a fraction is the denominator.
The denominator
The numerator is the name given to the top part of a fraction; the denominator is the bottom part of a fraction.
This is the denominator, which is the bottom line of the fraction.
The denominator is the number at the bottom of the fraction,below the numerator.
Well, honey, that top part of a fraction is called the numerator. It's the number that tells you how many parts of the whole you're dealing with. So next time you see a fraction, just remember the numerator is the boss of the top!
In a fraction the denominator is on the bottom and the numerator on the top.
The numerator is the the top part of the fraction, the denominator is the bottom part of the fraction.
the bottom part, the top part is the numerator
The bottom number of a fraction.