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Q: Can you overdose by drinking to many 5 hour enegry shots?
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Related questions

What are the rules for the drinking game Power Hour?

The popular drinking game Power Hour has simple rules. The participants must drink a certain amount of alcohol beverage shots within an hour. Usually, the number of shots is 21 within an hour.

Can drinking 5 hour energy shots cause a miscarriage?

No but the caffeine is not good for you or the fetus. You can actually induce a heart attack for yourself.

How do you decreases the chances of an alcohol overdose?

Don't drink. Common equation is 1 ounce of alcohol an hour. Even this will catch up with you if you do it long enough, but it gives you the chance to stop. Binge drinking or drinking contests are a sure way of over doing it.We can't answer questions from printed/copyrighted materials.

How quickly can painkiller overdose kill?

Depending on how much is taken and of what drug...Under an hour.

How much is a bottle of 6 hour power energy shots at Rite-Aid?

Ironically,I just finished drinking one. I'm not completely sure but in PA at a uni-mart the are 4.29 plus tax. They don't taste tat good either.

How long after drinking does a dog have to pee?

30minutes to an hour

How many shots of 90 proof bourbon does it take to get drunk?

depends on time between shots, how big you are and how soon before u ate but usually about 8 shots in an hour do it for me i weigh 180lbs

What is head shots in call of duty finest hour?

When you shoot someone in the head. :s

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drinking coffee with milk is it advisable

Diuresis peaks how long after drinking water?

It peaks in one hour after drinking and then declines to its lowest level after 3 hours

How long does it take for creatine to kick in after drinking it?

Creatine typically takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour to kick in after drinking it.

How long after drinking water can I expect to urinate?

Typically, you can expect to urinate within 30 minutes to an hour after drinking water.